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School Bullies Come Alive On Ernest Zacharevic's Wall Art In Jalan Sultan KL

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This artist is no stranger to Malaysians. On an off-road along one of the oldest roads in Kuala Lumpur's  old quarter you will be greeted by his crafty creation. Its a cut out bright orange school bus surrounded by naughty school kids and their pranks. One  school girl is seen on top of the  bus bandishing a broom on a boy in the bus. While a younger school girl is seen crying, obviously bullied by a school boy with covered face walking away. Noticed that another is trying to help his comrade climb up the bus top. It's an interesting freeze frame of life in Malaysia. The message or moral behind this is that school bullying should be a thing of the past. Unfortunately today's generation have many distractions and do not bother about social matters that seem remote to them.That's why  even  this wall art is being "bullied " or vandalized by some people too. Drop by and  feel this stunning wall art before the heritage buildings in this area gets refurbished.
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