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Non-spill popiah found in Jonker Street, Malacca !

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Where to find a popiah that will not spill all over its content onto your clothes when you take a bite? We have found it! This video is the proof that a special kind of popiah exists in Jonker Street Malacca that can withstand bite after bite without spilling its content! This video shows how the special popiah is created in minutes using the usual ingredients ,except for a double layer , thicker popiah skin!  That's the secret! Double wrap the contents and you will be absolutely satisfied with a non-spill popiah. Great idea and great taste with bite after bite after bite and no spillingall over. Watch the video again if you don't believe it. See the popiah still stays firm after each subsequent bite. Get over to Jonker Street now and try this amazing non-spill popiah for yourself!
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