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Melaka Jonker Street, Malaysia 2016 马六甲 "鸡场街"

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There is a saying that if you haven’t visited Jonker Street, you haven’t been to Melaka!
Visitors to Malacca should also take note to visit Jonker Street (officially known as Jalan Hang Jebat). The street houses many buildings that date back all the way to the 17th century. It is also littered with traditional businesses selling items found nowhere else, ranging from antiques to crafts to unique food such as chicken rice balls. Ever since the government took steps to make it a tourist destination, more effort has been poured into the street to showcase the best of Malaccan culture-turning it into a must-visit spot for anyone exploring the town. - See more at: ..
鸡场街(Jonker Street ),马六甲最著名的街道,是马六甲旅游必去的地方,隔马六甲河与红屋对望。从红屋过桥到鸡场街大概只需5分钟左右。
鸡场街 又名文化街、古董街、荷兰街、会馆街。街上的很多古董店、荷兰建筑、中国会馆正是这些名字由来的依据。而鸡场街名字的真正由来,是演变自福建话 “ 街场街 ” 。在福建话中,一般以 “ 街场 ” 来形容繁忙的街道,而福建话的 “街场” 与 “ 鸡场 ” 同音,因此慢慢演变为鸡场街。距今已经有300有多年的历史了。
鸡场街上聚集了各种美食店(如:古城鸡饭粒,中华茶室、地理学家咖啡馆)。土特产店(如:三叔公),娱乐中心,古董店。一般店面的营业时间是早上10点到晚上8点。但是在周五-周日,这里会成为集市,通常还有文化表演或 唱KTV, 经营得比较晚。
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