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How to Use Gerunds as Subjects to Make Better English Sentences! / より良い英語の文を作るために主語として動名詞を使用する方法。

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Studying English is important! Learning English with JeN’s Jyugyou is fun! These two sentences are both true, and both of these sentences also use a gerund as their subject. In today’s English lesson you will learn what a gerund is, as well as learning important grammar rules that you need to know for using gerunds as the subject of your sentences.

What is a gerund?: A gerund is a base verb plus -ing that come together to function like a noun does in your sentences. As you know, a basic sentence is made of a subject, a verb, and an object (SVO) In the sentence, “I like swimming,” ‘swimming is the object of the sentence. It is a gerund and it acts the same way a noun would. In the sentence, “Swimming is fun,” again ‘swimming’ is the gerund and is being used like a noun to create the subject of your sentence.

3 Grammar tips for how to use gerunds as subjects:
1. When you have a gerund as the subject of your sentence, it acts like a singular noun so the verb that follows it must be in the third person singular (this means the verb in the simple present must use an ’S’). Ex: Drinking coffee gives me energy. Eating junk food is unhealthy.
2. If you want to make the gerund negative, just add the word ‘not’ in front of it. Using negative gerunds as subjects is a great way to make better English sentences! Ex: Not exercising is bad for you. Not sleeping causes headaches.
3. Be careful not to get gerunds as subjects confused with the present continuous (subject + ‘be’ verb + verb + ing). Ex: “Reading many books is fun” = gerund ‘reading’ as the subject vs “She is reading many books these days” = ‘reading’ is the verb in the present continuous.

By the end of today’s English lesson you will have learned how to use gerunds as subjects in your sentences to improve your English communication skills. Thank you for watching, “How to Use Gerunds as Subjects to Make Better English Sentences!” I hope this English grammar lesson will be useful for you to create better sentences with gerunds as subjects while sounding more like a native English speaker. Good luck with your English studies!

⭐️ Recommended Textbook, Focus on Grammar: https://amzn.to/3lSG2Gt✨

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Subject-Verb Agreement Rules: https://youtu.be/v0E9GfXHcNQ

Present Continuous: https://youtu.be/HTpw2JC5qxg

Learn more about Gerunds: https://youtu.be/oJsv0s3jV-k

Gerunds vs Infinitives: https://youtu.be/PI2vXmBAyH4


Studying English is important! Learning English with JeN’s Jyugyou is fun!

動名詞とは何ですか?:動名詞は、基本動詞と-ingを組み合わせたもので、文中で名詞のように機能します。ご存知のように、基本的な文は主語、動詞、目的語(SVO)で構成されています。 “I like swimming,”という文では、”swimmingが文の目的語です。これは動名詞であり、名詞と同じように使う。 “Swimming is fun,”という文章では、やはり“Swimming”は動名詞であり、名詞のように使用して文の主語を作っています。

1.文の主語として動名詞がある場合、動詞は単数名詞の様に機能するため、それに続く動詞は3人称単数でなければなりません(つまり、動詞の現在形は’S’を使用する必要があります)。例: Drinking coffee gives me energy. Eating junk food is unhealthy.
例:Not exercising is bad for you. Not sleeping causes headaches.
3.主語が現在進行形(主語+「be」動詞+動詞+ ing)と混同される為、動名詞と現在進行形は同じではないので注意してください。
例: “Reading many books is fun” = 主語としての動名詞‘reading’ vs “She is reading many books these days” =
現在進行形の動詞の reading’


???? おすすめのテキストブック: Focus on Grammar: https://amzn.to/3lSG2Gt

: https://www.youtube.com/c/JeNsJyugyouジェンの授業?sub_confirmation=1


中上級レベルの方は、ここをクリック: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktdXyVCSbc8NrLoilBtwviDGZzVw5PVs

主語と動詞の一致: https://youtu.be/v0E9GfXHcNQ

現在進行形: https://youtu.be/HTpw2JC5qxg

動名詞についてもっと学ぶ: https://youtu.be/oJsv0s3jV-k

動名詞vs不定詞: https://youtu.be/PI2vXmBAyH4

#LetsStudyEnglish #JeNsJyugyou #Gerunds #Grammar

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