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Don Quixote of the jungle (part 4)

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The group Sydney films contacted with Korubo tribe for the first time. It is an isolated clan that was separated from the rest of the community, as we later found out, about ten years ago. There are probably not more than a total of 300 people in this tribe; like Possuelo himself, they are in danger of extinction.

Although their white enemies know them as Korubo, they call themselves WITXOMBÓ. The interpreters taking part in this delicate mission admit that they can't translate much, but they recognize that the language of these recently contacted Indians belongs to the Pano linguistic family and is similar to that of other indigenous peoples in the Javari Valley.

In this expedition,Sydney Possuelo sought to contact one of the last isolated human groups that remained on the planet. His strategy consists of communicating trust to the indigenous group, and to show the world the friendly side of a group of indians until then labeled as "bloodthirsty".

Sydney and his men are verypolite and careful with these people; this friendliness, in addition to being a novelty in these forests, is their life insurance. An inappropriate gesture could set off an undesired event, turning the operation into yet another unfortunate fact.
Possuelo and his men are armed, but as Rondón saida century ago, "it is better to let yourself be killed than to murder an indian."
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