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Don Quixote of the jungle (part 1)

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"In 1998 I participated in a very special moment for the person we will be meeting in this program. He was receiving the Bartolomé de las Casas Award from the Prince of Asturias. His personal hero, Don Quixote, the great legend that follows him everywhere, looks quite a bit like him. His name is Sydney Possuelo" (Luis Miguel Dominguez).

Although it has no windmills, the rain forest is fertile ground for injustices, a paradise or an inferno, depending on who is telling its history. More than one Quixote and all the humanity of a Sydney Possuelo, this uncompromising defender of the most injured peoples, is needed here.

330,000 indigenous people live in Brazil -one per cent of this country's population- and they are endangered. When the white man arrived in Brazil in the year 1500, there were six million native people living here. What has happened since then?

For the moment, our admirable and beloved Zoé have been saved. But it takes someone other than themselves to cushion the blow of contact with our crueland developed world, which has done so much damage to other tribes of the rain forest, and their world...

The third episode of the magnificent serie "Amazon: Last call" shows us some of the terrible events of the struggle between amazonian indians and settlers who invaded their territories in the Javari river valley, "blinded by the riches of his jungle", looking for gold, oil and make massive felling timber business of trees with those who shared their home.

This was the situation until 1996 Sydney Possuelo, as director of the Department of Tribes Unknown (Department of Isolated Indians) inthe FUNAI (Fundação Nacional do Indio), achieving double the official area designated indigenous lands in Brazil in just two years.

Possuelo redefined the indian territory, expelled hundreds of settlers and preachers proselytizing and went to the territory of the hitherto warring Korubo to to get a message of peace, understanding and respect for their world of values​​.
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