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AMC Mail Bag - Was THE HOBBIT Better As Movies Or As A Book?

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On this first installment of AMC Mail Bag of 2015 (Friday January 2nd 2015) we take the following viewer emails:
Tarra McGivens writes: Hey AMCers! I read that Justin Lin is now going to be directing the next Star Trek movie. Is this true? If so, what do you think about the decision? Do you think he’ll do a better job than Roberto Orci would have? Thanks!
Filip writes: Hey AMC, been a huge fan for years.. i saw the last bracket competition and was a huge fan off it. next you said you would do a animatied bracket. i love that idea but you never got to it... can it happen soon? you would probably mention many animated movies i have not seen that i would have to see then. thanks and get going with the brackets and keep up the great work.
Michael Walls writes: Hey guys. Love the show! I would love the know your thoughts of Chappie and its trailer. I for one loved it and cannot wait to see it.
Dayn writes: Hi AMC love the show and watch it every day. I was wondering why is it so easy to put superheroes together in comics like when dc and marvel made a cross over but so hard to get them together in movies. Thanks and bring on the filthy.
Justin Russell writes: I realize we’ve all been talking about the whole “Will Spider-Man go back to Marvel” question for years now, but good idea or bad, regardless of how soon or how long, will Spidey ever go back to Marvel? Thoughts?
Tom Biddiscombe writes: I was wondering now we have all seen Peter Jackson's Hobbit trilogy which do you prefer. The film's or the book?. I personally prefer the book because in my opinion apart from Ian McKellen as Gandalf and Martin Freeman as Bilbo I do not think the characters are adapted that well. It is very much a prequel to Lord of the Rings rather then a adaptation of Tolkien's Hobbit and I feel Bilbo is sidelined too often. What are your thoughts?
Raven Chow writes: Hi I'm a big fan of the show, I was wondering if we could see a sequal to Nightcrawler? I would love to revisit the Lou Bloom character.
Max Ganter writes: Hey AMC! Love the show and was wondering. We often see these movies about wars from recent times. Most of them are very good but why haven't we really seen a story told from the revolutionary war. I've been learning a lot about it in school and I find it interesting. Some might say it's boring but why can't there be a movie. Paul Giamatti has a mini-series on Netflix called John Adams. Check it out. I think it's great and a movie of some kind should be made. What are your thoughts? Thanx!
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