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AMC Mail Bag - Does TERMINATOR Need To Mix Things Up, Older Visual Effects Movies That Still Hold Up

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On this episode of AMC Mail Bag (Saturday May 9th 2015) we take the following viewer emails:
Ashray Bhandare writes: Congratulations on phrase three. What did you think about the new Mr. Holmes trailers? They are portraying sherlock holmes in a different light, arent they? I think Sir Ian McKellen is the right man for the job.
Jake Company writes: Hi Amc, Hey guys been loving the show just had a question. As you guys know the Russo brothers have been given to direct a captain america movie and 2 avengers movies. Do you think giving them these massive films to direct is a risky move by Marvel seeing all they have is a cap america movie and not played a massive part behind the camera of the MCU. Thanks and keep up the great work.
Harry Green writes: Damn good show guys. I was listening to your segment on Terminator Genysis and do you think that this franchise is struggling b/c it keeps replaying the same plot line over & over again? Meaning that they keep having someone go back in time to Sarah Conner trying to kill her. I think they have to find a way of moving forward. Maybe actually have Sky-net win with the death of both Sarah & her son John, the remaining humans are being assimilated into cyborgs, yet a new hero emerges from the ashes who just happens to John Connor's daughter?
Jakeson TV writes: Many people, including myself, are really keen to know what Andy Serkis’ role is in the new Star Wars Trilogy. I’ve heard that his character could be a character who has watched from behind the scenes of the original trilogy and could even be behind Palpatine, pulling all the strings from afar, though this would ruin Palpatine in my opinion. I think he could more than likely be someone involved with Adam Driver’s Kylo Ren Character and the new Order/Empire (due to his sinister voiceover in TFA’s first trailer). What are your thoughts? Thanks. Love the show and stay awesome!
Jeff Hudgens writes: In the modern digital age... Are movie posters still relevant to a marketing campaign? Or is it just a tradition thing?
Blake Sturchio writes: Helllooooo AMC crew, I know Captain America: Civil War is packed to the brim with characters, and I'm sure Infinity Wars will be as well. Do you think Paul Rudd as Ant-Man could be involved in any of the upcoming slated Marvel films? Thanks guys, love the show.
Cory writes: Hey AMC Fam, I dig the show and catch it every day. My question revolves around Special Effects and which movies, do you think effects stand the test of time (Movies NOT named Star Wars). Some movies that come to mind, in no particular order, are War of The Worlds (I believe that came out in the late 50's or early 60's), King Kong (The 70's), Independence Day, Aliens, T2 and, although a little silly but a guilty pleasure, Disney's The Black Hole which I would love to see re-made.
Jeff L writes: Hey AMC crew. I love your show and you guys have me cracking up. My question is about Oscar winners. I know John Campea has said in the past that film is subjective. Has there ever been an actor/actress that was nominated for an award that you felt should have won, and then won another award that you felt they should not have won? Mine is Denzel Washington when he won for Best Actor in Training Day. I felt that he should not have won for that award, but I think he should have won for Malcolm X. What are your thoughts? Thanks and bring on the filthy.
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