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AMC Mail Bag - Could the Backlash of DARK KNIGHT RISES Hurt SUPERMAN VS. BATMAN? Oscar Contenders

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On this episode of AMC Mail Mag (Sunday October 27, 2013) the user-submitted questions we discuss include:

Anthony Di-Francesco writes:

Hi Amc Movie Talk. Sooner or later, the Spider-Man franchise will have to reboot, but my question is, "when?" They are putting so much into this current franchise in order to map out a "Spider-Man Cinematic Universe," but how long will it last? There are plenty of stories to tell with the character, and this franchise is hated by many just for being a quick reboot (which I find silly, I think it was a smart move by Sony). After the four planned movies, I think Sony should keep adding onto the universe they created with The Amazing Spider-Man and just re-cast the characters when needed. Do it James Bond style. What do you guys think? Thank you guys so much, I love the show!!

Jaleel Biersayq writes:

Hey AMC movie talkers, love the show and the new studio. Just wanted to know, I hear you guys talking about movie trailer reviews and I'm wondering if dont look forward to the new need for speed movie. I know I am but are you looking forward to it or do you think it's just a fast and furious rip off like some people? Thanks and keep up the great work.

Michael Anderson writes:

Greetings and salutations AMC movie talk. A week or two ago you mentioned Man of Steel being held down by people's bitter memories of Superman Returns and how Man of Steel wouldn't have this same affect on Superman vs Batman. I'm wondering if say a movie like Dark Knight Rises which some people didn't like *cough* *cough* *Schnepp* could be the one that might hold down Superman vs. Batman? Thanks, keep up the great work.

Mary Stalzer writes:

Hey guys and gals! Huge fan of the show. Keep up the stellar work. My question is about the Oscars. What are some of the strongest performances you've seen so far that you think deserves a best actor and best actress nomination? Thanks!

Coty Keziah writes:

Hey AMC crew, I love love love the show, I hope one day to have an awesome job like you guys. But my actual question is, do you think the Superhero movie genre will eventually come to a screeching Halt? They are the big thing nowadays, but back in the 70's and 80's and further on the "Slasher Horror" movie genre was really popular and generated thousands of films for at least 30 years. But now you are lucky to get one slasher film every two or three years in theaters. Will Superhero movies reach that inevitable end? Bring on the Filthy please.

Jon T writes:

I recently saw Sucker Punch and it made me think of Visuals vs. Storytelling. What do you think of directors collaborating on movies? Maybe one to do the pacing and narrative and the other to do visuals. I know there are many factors to make this impossible such as extra cost, difference in vision, consistent tone and the directors guild only allowing one credited director except for established duos. Which brings me to one more question, how do you become an established duo?
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