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Watch the whole "Real or Fake" series!
Alligator Submissions - Wimpie Van Aswegan, Paul Veiilside, Bender Veloso CRF, Romey Lafaitele, Daniel Dhanraj, Juho Vikjanen, Iver Rennan, Chris Cheong, Santosh Jack, Jair Bustamante, ButterRamager, Richard Torres, charles lineback, S. M. , Richard Torres, Carlos Lopez, paigewerner
Weird Monster Fish In Thailand - b0ss , Matthew Chun, Bo Borden, Ellinor Håvestad, Jason B, Unicake,
Headless Man Walking, Jason Saturnino, Josh Alviso,
Hey I’ve seem some big alligators before, but nothing like this…
It was sent in by Jada Serrano, Sammie Osborn, Amy Platon, and Brynn Mackenzie just to name a few.
The picture shows what claims to be a 15 foot ( 4 and half meter) monster! It says it weighs 800 lbs (or 362 Kilo). If true this would be the biggest gator ever captured in U.S state of Florida.
But is this picture real? Or is it just another big fat gator fake? Why don’t we put on our alligator boots and see what we can find out.
I did some looking around on the internet and the story seemed like it was everywhere. From England to the United States, Saudia Arabia to Siberia there was no lack of coverage. It was in print as well as television!
According to Fox News 13 in Florida, the picture was taken by hunters at the Outwest Farms in Okeechobee, Florida. Fox reports the picture as real and accepted the the size of thing as claimed by the hunters.
On the other hand, there were some reports, including one by Brian Ries on Mashable, that the picture did not represent the true size of the gator…
So who is right and who is wrong? Well guess what, I have the official results right here. But before I can tell you what’s in here I have to know whyat you are thinking in here…
Ok did you do it ? Great because in a few seconds, I’m going to open this up and give you the official answer, but first I want to show you some of the other crazy stuff that showed up in my inbox this week.
A bunch of you guys sent in this video. It shows a man walking down the street with no head… How he knows to stay on the sidewalk, I have no idea.
And then there was this alien like fish video that a bunch of you sent in… It was caught in Thailand and guess what? Its real… but on the other hand, it remains unidentified.
Then there is this picture of a kid giving a huge snake a bath… That kid probably has some interesting parents… Here you go baby… big snakey to play with…
And this here is one of my favorites. It was sent in by Javier Lin and shows what looks like a sports car parked on the street. It took me a while to see it was a toy car on the window ledge… You see it?
Ok so let’s do this…
The picture of the massive alligator hanging from the tractor has been examined and inspected for it’s authenticity. It shows no signs of alteration via any photo editing software. Therefor, we are declaring the photo as 100% real.
Oh but wait… there is more.
However, The claim that this is an 15 foot, 800 lbs gator appears to be undermined by a “Forced Perspective” situation detected in the photo… Therefore, the claim is - false.
Mmmm the ole forced perspective trick, eh?
As it turns out, this gator is not as big as it looks because this young man right here is not really standing next to the gator. He’s standing back on the other side of the tractor and holding his hand up to make it look like he is touching the gator. You’ve probably seen this trick before in pictures like this… this… and even this one again from Javier Lin… This is what they mean when they say “forced perspective.
Now take a look at the kid again… see how he is doing the same thing? It makes the gator look much bigger than it really is.
In his report on Mashable, Mr. Ries, learned the hunters stopped claiming the gator was 15 Feet after they visited State Wildlife officials. In fact, the final measurement revealed it was well under 14 feet, (or 4.2 meters) which is the current state record in Florida.

Ok well that’s all the time I have for this video… I want to thank everyone who sent that picture in...including the people who didn’t get a shout in the video - I’ve put some more names in the description box…
If you have a picture or a video and your not sure if it is real or not … send it to me at billschannel etc…
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