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Last time I was in the Amazon, it was butterfly season and man it was amazing. There were millions of butterflies all over the place. They were in the air, on the beaches, on the rocks, and even on my feet. I mean You couldn’t get away from them there were so many.
Now, what was strange about all this for me was how relaxed these delicate creatures were. I mean the amazon is one very tough neighborhood for animals. Everything is hungry.
As it turns out these little guys do have predators - like this bird. But what about Caimans, the amazon version of the alligator? Do they hunt butterflies as some people say? Or is that just a myth made made up by old rubber tappers who spent too much time in the jungle. alone.
It’s a good question, huh? Well guess what? I have the official answer to this profound question right here and I’m going to reveal it in just a second, but first if you don’t mind -- I want you to follow the normal custom here at billschannel. I want you to yell out your answer. Real or Fake right now so you can’t lie about it later…
The guy who originally told me about this was a fisherman I met in the Amazon named Graham. He told me he had seen it with his own eyes.
Needless to say I was very skeptical!
Graham: "He was sitting there against a large rock just nosing up. There must have been a few hundred butterflies there. Then the croc noses up and take a good swipe at these butterflies."
OK, I’ve heard a lot of crazy fishermen tails in my day. But this sounds really fishy. It’s not too late to change your mind if you said real. I’ll give you a few more seconds.
Bill: You took some pictures?
Graham: I’ve got some pictures of him , yes yes.
Bill silent reaction? Or… Pictures?
Sure enough, Graham pulled out his camera and showed me his pictures right then and there.
Graham: "In the first picture you could see the croc sneaking up on the butterflies… and then, in the next photo it was like chomp… He got himself a mouth full!"
Well it isn’t video, which means he could have done something in Photoshop. But the pictures were still in the camera - so I don’t know. I’m really on the fence now. Let’s see what it says here. and it says… and I quote
Quote: "The premise that Amazon Caimans actively hunt butterflies has been examined. The photos appear to be real and there is no scientific evidence to contradict the validity of the story. The premise is therefor deemed to be…. Real! "

Hey if you have any pictures or videos and you aren’t sure whether they are real or not, send them over to me at [email protected] and I will see you next time.
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