On this episode of AMC Mail Bag, we take the following viewer questions:
Jose Carrillo writes: My question is, J.J. Abrams has decided to leave the Star Trek universe (3rd film) to direct the upcoming Star Wars Ep. 7, 8 and 9, but my concern is will Abrams end up like Bryan Singer when he left the 3rd X-men Film to Direct Superman Returns having made that mistake both films were ended up to be terrible, what do you think is this a smart move or will there be another directing mistake in the film industry.
Darrell Deeday writes: I was just wondering why Green Lantern isn't even considered to figure in the Man of Steel sequel? Isn't he also in the Justice League? It seems he might be like a kind of peacemaker or attempt to be a peacemaker between Superman and Batman. My opinion is that Green Lantern would figure in the Man of Steel sequel way before Wonder Woman. I had always liked Green Lantern because his superpower was his imagination which is a great message to send to kids. What do you think?
Jordan Anderson: Hey AMC! I can't enough of Campea, Schnepp, Krisily, Amirose, Erin, and Ashley. My question is where do you like to get you movie news? What sources do you check when looking for the latest breaking movie news? Do you talk to friends within the film industry, or are their specific sites that you go to and what sites do you usually check? Because although you aren't always the first ones to report on movie news stories, you are in my opinion the most accurate.
Cory writes: How come Marvel has decided to "introduce" Phase 3 of their Universe with Ant Man. In looking at the character, he seems that he is a relatively unknown character in their vast universe. To me, it would seem that Dr. Strange or Black Panther would be better characters to use as they appear more popular and a good way to "kick off" their new phase. Is there something about Ant-Man that appeals to Marvel?
John Richards writes: Hi guys, love the show.......The new Darren Aronofsky film Noah is being post-converted into 3D - but only for countries outside the USA, UK, France and Australia to watch. Those 4 countries will get to watch it in 2-D. Do you think it is insulting towards all countries outside the USA, UK, France and Australia that studio executives believe they are happy to be given crap to watch and don't care that they are being asked to pay for more for it?
Omar A writes: Hey guys, great show. Keep up the good work! My question is this: If there was no such thing as comic books, would AMC Movie Talk even exist? How dependant is this show on comic books?
Jose Carrillo writes: My question is, J.J. Abrams has decided to leave the Star Trek universe (3rd film) to direct the upcoming Star Wars Ep. 7, 8 and 9, but my concern is will Abrams end up like Bryan Singer when he left the 3rd X-men Film to Direct Superman Returns having made that mistake both films were ended up to be terrible, what do you think is this a smart move or will there be another directing mistake in the film industry.
Darrell Deeday writes: I was just wondering why Green Lantern isn't even considered to figure in the Man of Steel sequel? Isn't he also in the Justice League? It seems he might be like a kind of peacemaker or attempt to be a peacemaker between Superman and Batman. My opinion is that Green Lantern would figure in the Man of Steel sequel way before Wonder Woman. I had always liked Green Lantern because his superpower was his imagination which is a great message to send to kids. What do you think?
Jordan Anderson: Hey AMC! I can't enough of Campea, Schnepp, Krisily, Amirose, Erin, and Ashley. My question is where do you like to get you movie news? What sources do you check when looking for the latest breaking movie news? Do you talk to friends within the film industry, or are their specific sites that you go to and what sites do you usually check? Because although you aren't always the first ones to report on movie news stories, you are in my opinion the most accurate.
Cory writes: How come Marvel has decided to "introduce" Phase 3 of their Universe with Ant Man. In looking at the character, he seems that he is a relatively unknown character in their vast universe. To me, it would seem that Dr. Strange or Black Panther would be better characters to use as they appear more popular and a good way to "kick off" their new phase. Is there something about Ant-Man that appeals to Marvel?
John Richards writes: Hi guys, love the show.......The new Darren Aronofsky film Noah is being post-converted into 3D - but only for countries outside the USA, UK, France and Australia to watch. Those 4 countries will get to watch it in 2-D. Do you think it is insulting towards all countries outside the USA, UK, France and Australia that studio executives believe they are happy to be given crap to watch and don't care that they are being asked to pay for more for it?
Omar A writes: Hey guys, great show. Keep up the good work! My question is this: If there was no such thing as comic books, would AMC Movie Talk even exist? How dependant is this show on comic books?
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