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AMC Mail Bag - What Does Agent Coulson Coming Back Mean For THE AVENGERS, A MATRIX Reboot

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On this episode of AMC Mail Bag (Sunday Sept 8th 2013) we take the following viewer emails:

Husain Mustafa writes: Greetings and Salutations fellow movie talkers! Your show is amazing, keep up the good work. Seeing Micheal Bay getting back to the transformers franchise with tf4 got me thinking, is it possible we will ever see a Transformers Movie set in Cybertron? With the movie set in Cybertron, we can expect to see an origin story about the librarian turned leader Orion Pax a.k.a Optimus Prime and see his and Megatron's rivalry develop. Also with this movie setting we can see more autobots like the Dinobots and maybe Omega Supreme and Metroplex.

Chris Amott writes: hey amc crew absolutely love your show. i watch your show in the morning due to time differences between america n australia.. worth it though.. my question is with phil coulson coming back from the dead in marvels agents of S.H.I.E.L.D what does this mean for the avengers would he come back in the sequel? and what would it mean for the avengers especially tony stark? Just like nick fury said they needed the push especially tony to see phil alive.. thanks for answering keep up the amazing work.

James writes: Hello amc, what is the first movie you ever remember watching? now this is actually 2 questions because one is the first movie you remember seeing in theaters and the second is the first movie you remember seeing at home. the first movie I remember seeing at home is the Flintstones live action movie and the one in theaters was the men in black. now whats yours?

Kyle Ruckert writes: Hey guys! I love the show and watch it everyday. What have you heard about the boxing film, Grudge Match, starring Robert DeNiro and Sylvester Stallone to be released in December? As a fan of Rocky and Raging Bull, this sounds like a dream come true. What are your guys' thoughts?

Carlos Lopez writes: I have been watching the show for months. I have become addict it to it. Now to question: I have seen every X-Men movie that has been released. But to me, they fail in one critical aspect. These are movies about mutants with superhuman powers, many of which can destroy whole cities and towns. But we have yet to see the cinematic spectacle befitting of these powers. The action in these movies seem too constricted. The action should equal, or at least come close to, that seen in Man of Steel. I wish the next X-Men movies will make use of today's technology to create a grand spectacle that truly represents what a fight between mutants truly is. What are your thoughts on this? Again, I love the show and keep up the awesome work.

Anne Curtis writes: Hey guys! So I finally watched the Matrix (the first one) recently and I loved it! Don't worry I plan on staying away from the other 2! I know this might sound crazy but a thought just came into my head. Why not reboot Matrix? The world of Matrix is creepy and interesting (from what I've seen so far) and I can easily see Joseph Gordon-Levitt playing Neo! So what do you guys think? Should they reboot Matrix or should they leave it alone?

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