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AMC Mail Bag - Problems With Wonder Woman, What's The Best SPIDER-MAN Movie?

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On this edition of AMC Mail Bag (Saturday September 21st 2013) we address the following viewer questions:

Chavez Poindexter writes: Hello movie crew dont know whose hosting tonight but i love you all. Anyways my question is regarding wonder woman. Why cant they just make it. I say they just go full out balls to the wall and make wonder woman for what she is all mythology. I think if they really delve into the myth of it all like man of steel did but with less exposition we[audience] need to visualize it. What do you think. Maybe have her show up in BvM at the last second and blackout. Wonder Woman.......2017

John Lawrence writes: My question is now that Ben is the new Batman. Do you think that we will see a change in his physique? So that we will at least have a BEEFED UP BATMAN like in the comic and games without the molded rubber suit ; to kinda make it more believable that BA(BATMAN) is even physically able to go up against the MAN OF STEEL, Because Henry Cavill was pumped as Clark without the suit and cape . I know the suit was a lil padded, but at the most I think it was Cavill himself. We dont want a Slender Dare Devil being BATMAN. Shoots ! Look at the pictures you posted up of Mel Gibson, dude is huge. So John what are your thoughts on my question or questions? Do you know if Ben has taken the physical part of his roll as an Iconic Heroe seriously?

Anthony writes: I agree with John that 'The Amazing Spider-Man' was better than Sam Raimi's first Spider-Man film. However, 'Spider-Man 2' still remains my favorite Spider-Man film and comic book movie of all time! Do you think that 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2' has the potential to give Spider-Man 2 a run for its money? At the very least do you think it will be an improvement over its 2012 predecessor (which I really loved)? I look forward to hearing your thoughts, and your show is amazing. Keep up the good work, guys!

Matthew Johnson writes: I was wondering why actors like Jean Claude Van Damme , Steven Seagal , Dolph Lundgren and Wesley Snipes have been doing straight to dvd/VOD films for the majority of there careers give or take a few years , Do actors get blacklisted or typecast if they do these sort of films? I heard Van Damme turned down an offer from Universal hoping to get more money but that didn't happen nor an offer from elsewhere. But what about Lundgren? There is something about him that makes me think he could lead or support more big-budget movies other than Expendables , What do you guys think?

Luis Zapata writes: Hey AMC crew what's up? I had a thought, why aren't there more pirate movies? I know there's the Pirates of the Caribbean films and that's ok I guess but why aren't there more pirate films by other studios. There's a lot of different studios doing comic book movies and horror movies, but why only 1 studio doing pirates? Is it because they dot want to compete with Disney or they don't think it's profitable or no good story there. I know there's the classic plot of pirates go seek a buried treasure but I must believe there has to be writer than can do something more than that with pirates. Personally I would love to see a good pirate movie aside from the Disney films.

Del Goh writes: Just caught up with the Bieber episode and at the end of it you guys were saying that Routh is unlikely to do another DC character. (I too am also a Routh-Superman fan.) So I'm just wondering, and this question has been with me ever since The First Avenger, how did Chris Evans make that transition from Human Torch to Cap then? Just very curious.
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