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AMC Mail Bag - Where Is The HALO Movie?

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On this installment of AMC Mail Bag (Saturday August 30th 2014) we take the following viewer emails:

Philippe Roy writes: Hey guys love the show! Which video game franchise would you like to see coming to the big screen first, Mass effect or Halo?

Michael Kramer writes: Hi Guys, I've been watching for almost 2 years now and I'm actually wearing my Sons of AMC shirt right now!! I was wondering if you thought that Disney might ever revisit the Star Wars prequels by way of editing them into GOOD movies. I know people get upset when messing with old movies but in this case I think we would forgive them. I've seen amateur cuts of The Phantom Menace that made the movie quite bearable. Do you think we could see these movies ever get a redemption round in theaters?

James Mitchell writes: I understand that post credit scenes are a bonus, and not something that films owe fans; however, with the great job marvel has done using these to tie their universe together, am I the only one who takes the Guardians post credit scene as a small slap in the face. I get that it was intended to be casual and funny, but as a fan I don't enjoy sitting through the credits just to see that. I would not have taken issue with it if they had incorporated a second scene that contained more substance as they at the end of Thor 2. Am I just a spoiled fan, or is my point somewhat valid?

Chase Braud writes: Long time viewer here, love the show. So I was thinking about Avengers 2 and who might "bite it". The big guys are obviously exempt, and I think we can rule out widow for need of female characters. I don't think we should assume Hawkeye's death either. From what I can tell they plan on making him a much more involved player (thank goodness!). That would be a pretty cheap and expected kill anyway. With the inclusion of Rhody, an established but expendable character personally close to Ultron's creator, is it a safe bet that Rhody will be Whedon's sacrificial lamb?

Roman Bryant writes: Hey AMC, love the show. Now I know you all have gotten alot of top 5, or 10 questions. Now John once said that Gaston was one of his favorite Disney villains. I just wanted your top 5. Thanks and keep up the GREAT show.

Harry Green writes: Do you guys think that Sin City 2 would have been a huge success had Tarantino directed and/or wrote the script? This just seems like a film he would do.

Tony Camara writes: I just finished watching todays or yesterdays show depending on when you read this. There was viewer question about the best actor Jack Nicholson, Daniel Day Lewis and Tom Hanks and I'm NOT taking anything away from DDL but why doesn't Al Pacino, Robert Deniro, Morgan Freeman, even Denzel Washington ever get mentioned? Shouldn't they be considered?

Miguel Arteaga writes: Hello sons and daughters of AMC, been watching for about a year now, great work, keep it up! Now onto my question...what happened with the film Stretch with Patrick Wilson and Chris Pine? I know Universal pulled it for some reason yet I haven't heard anything since. Thanks and bring on the delicious filthiness that is Movie talk!

Felix Colchado writes: Should we judge a movie by its trailer? Look at Transformers 4, it had an awesome trailer but it was a horrible movie. I know taste is subjective but Transformers 4 was a really bad movie. Edge of Tomorrow didn't have a great trailer but because you guys were talking a storm about it, I went to see it and loved it. Isn't judging a movie by its trailer the same as judging a book by its cover? Plus, aren't trailers made by a different company than the movie studio making the movie?

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