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UN: Expand your English Vocabulary with the Negative Prefix un! / UN: 接頭語の否定形UNを使って貴方の英語の語彙を増やす!

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Would you like to easily expand your English vocabulary and learn new words? Would you like to learn how to make positive words negative with one simple trick? That simple trick is to use the prefix un. ‘Un’ is a negative prefix that will help you to improve your English quickly. Prefixes are a series of letters at the beginning of a word that will change the meaning of the word and create a new word. The prefix un means not, so when you put ‘un’ in front of a word, it will make that word negative. For example: if you put ‘un’ before the word happy, you create the word unhappy. Unhappy means not happy, sad. By studying words with the prefix un, you can easily learn new words and improve your English communication skills!

In this lesson you will learn the following examples of words using the prefix un:
1. Unhappy
2. Unable
3. Untie
4. Unwrap
5. Unlock
6. Unjust / Unfair
7. Unkind
8. Uncomfortable
9. Unlucky / Unfortunate
10. Unscrew
11. Unwell
12. Unplug
13. Unreliable
14. Unpack
15. Unzip
16. Unhealthy
17. Unfit
18. Unbelievable

By the end of today’s English lesson you will have learned how to use the prefix un to easily expand your vocabulary. The examples of 18 different words using the prefix un will help you to sound more like a native English speaker. Thank you for watching, “UN: Expand your English Vocabulary with the Negative Prefix un!” I hope this vocabulary lesson will be useful for you as you improve your English. Good luck with your English studies!

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UN: 接頭語の否定形UNを使って貴方の英語の語彙を増やす。



例えば もし貴方が、happyの前にunを置くとUnhappy になります。Unhappy の意味は、happyでない悲しい。接頭語unを勉強する事により貴方は、新しい言葉を学びやすくなる。そして貴方の英語のコミュニケーションスキルがあがる。


1. Unhappy 不幸

2. Unable ....できない

3. Untie ほどく

4. Unwrap....をあける

5. Unlock. 鍵を開ける

6. Unjust / Unfair 不公平

7. Unkind 不親切

8. Uncomfortable 心地よくない

9. Unlucky / Unfortunate 不運にも

10. Unscrew ネジを緩めて外す

11. Unwell 病気

12. Unplug ブラグをコンセント等からぬく

13. Unreliable 信頼できない

14. Unpack カバン等を開けて中の物を取り出す

15. Unzip チャックを開ける

16. Unhealthy 健康によくない

17. Unfit 健康でない

18. Unbelievable 信じがたい



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