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In March of 2011, a massive 9.0 earthquake struck just off the coast of Japan. The quake created a tsunami that was so massive, it nearly wiped out dozens of coastal towns and killed over 16,000 people.

Kyle Darkkova:
Marco Ferrier, Rob Clark, el Amor Alex,Iwan Bake Herrera, Spencer Paiement, Jakestermann Maxwell, Luca Blue, RuckASSGaming, Sheila Mendez, Sandy Roberts, Andrew Cousins, Miranda Wiggins, Rishabh Khanna
Jael Borg, Junaid Shaikh, Bryan HDGaming, Jared Riley, David murrieta, Gareth POON, Vallhad, Darius 123, Bobby Mulla, Reyos HD, Victoria Butler, Leonardo Lombera Soto, Jenny McFarland, william phieter, Night Shade, Alae Adl,
The massive wall of water uprooted homes, businesses, schools, automobiles, buses, trains and just about anything you can imagine.
But according to some people, it also uprooted unknown creatures from the spirit world.
This video, posted in numerous places around the internet, claims to show a strange unidentified creature emerging from the water and flying up over a building.
It was submitted by Rob Clark, Sheila Mendez, and Grinchy Izzy just to name a few of the many people who sent this in.
Grinchy Izzy wrote, Hey, Bill, I just watched this strange video and I want to know if it is real or fake?
A quick search on google revealed hundreds of reports about this strange video, but no one including snopes dot com had examined it as a possible hoax.
I knew it was was going to be a tough job, so I called on some of the best A team members I know - like ace researchers Steve from youtube channel Experimental & KYLE DARKKOVA. I also got in touch with ThinkerThunker, an animator who uses CGI software to examine paranormal videos.
Steve examined the footage first and concluded it was just smoke coming from a bottle of natural gas that was ruptured in the event.
Thinker Thunker however, didn’t totally agree with Steve. He accepted the fact that it looked like a gas…
THINKER: but then why would the gas, that gather right at this spot take on a life of it’s own… it almost seems to have legs and arms etc.
ThinkerThunker also performed what is known as a relief examination of the video. This is used to see if the creature was superimposed over into the video…
THINKER - Bill if this was CGI, i would expect to see pixels here etc but I don’t see anything. So I don’t know.
Ok…So it looks like a gas vapor, but it also seems to have a life of its own…this is a tough one. I think we need to do is drill down a little more and see if we can find out who made this video in the first place.
Thanks to some excellent detective work by Kyle Darkova, we learned the man who shot the video is Kenichi Murakami. It was shot in Kesennuma city next to the Okawa river.
KEN - We knew a tsunami was coming, we could feel it.
Kenichi started recording his video next to the river, but as the water rose, he sought higher ground.
KEN I was heading to the emergency staircase of the school….
Before heading to the school, however, his camera captured a different angle of the building where the unidentified creature was supposedly caught on camera.
This different angle helps explain what was going on here and I think we have a decision….. But Before I tell you the official answer, I just want to say it was very hard watching a lot of this video and I’m very sorry for those who lost their property and loved ones in this horrific event!
The wall of water that hit Kesennuma was over 12 meters (or 39 feet) high.
Now, lets see what we have here.
And it says, and i quote, the video of the tsunami recorded by Kenichi Murakami has been determined to be real, but the claim that his video captured an unidentified spirit of some sort is… not true. What we are looking at is unidentified vapor - nothing more.
In the extra view of the building here, we can see the reason why the vapor would get hung up. From this angle we can see that the roof sticks out beyond the building’s walls. This overhang is the reason why the vapor slows and behaves oddly.
First there is a upside down boat here and then there is a roof that overhangs the boat. In between we see these open areas which would have air currents. These currents and the overhang of the roof above the yellow boat would slow down the vapors rise and cause it to behave oddly.
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