Ulysses Grant's agonizing thirst for water, a Pennsylvania Treasurer's live TV suicide, and Winston Churchill's frank admission of boredom – these and other politicians left chilling remarks just before their last breath.
#Politicians #LastWords #Death
Ulysses S. Grant | 0:00
Michael Collins | 1:05
Indira Gandhi | 1:55
John F. Kennedy | 3:00
Benazir Bhutto | 4:04
R. Budd Dwyer | 5:19
Hugo Chavez | 6:11
Thomas Sankara | 7:00
Nancy Astor | 8:09
Winston Churchill | 9:25
Hosted By: Tim Bensch
Read Full Article: https://www.grunge.com/1255875/last-words-these-politicians-said-before-death/
#Politicians #LastWords #Death
Ulysses S. Grant | 0:00
Michael Collins | 1:05
Indira Gandhi | 1:55
John F. Kennedy | 3:00
Benazir Bhutto | 4:04
R. Budd Dwyer | 5:19
Hugo Chavez | 6:11
Thomas Sankara | 7:00
Nancy Astor | 8:09
Winston Churchill | 9:25
Hosted By: Tim Bensch
Read Full Article: https://www.grunge.com/1255875/last-words-these-politicians-said-before-death/
- Category
- Documentary
- Tags
- grunge, politicians, last words

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