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Manatee Babies 01 Narration

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Manatees calves are born underwater and the cow must help its new born to the surface for its first breath of air. The calves feed for up to two years on the mother's milk with the mammary glad located behind the cow's flippers. Like most youngsters, manatee calves are very inquisitive, explore their surroundings when ever possible. But without the protection of their mothers, calves are vulnerable to attack from large alligators, crocodiles and sharks. Manatees emit a wide range of sounds used in communication, especially after a calf being separated from its mother. The main causes of death for the manatees are human-related issues, such as habitat destruction and human objects such as boats, fishing nets as well as natural causes, such as temperatures and disease. Manatees of Chrystal River was filmed by Heiko Kiera aka Ojatro in January 2014.
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