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You know that feeling when you ask your parents for a very specific gift, and they get you some sort of no-name alternative instead? Take me, for instance: I asked for a new Apple Watch for my birthday but ended up with some weird cheap sham of a smartwatch instead. I’m sure something like that has happened to everyone at least once, and it’s hardly a scary story on its own. But, unfortunately, that’s just the setup for my horror story... all I can say for now is that I'm SCARED OF MY SmartWatch!

At first, everything was fine! Even though it wasn’t exactly what I wanted, I’m not the kind of girl to get my panties in a bunch over something so trivial. Plus, I didn’t want to upset my parents – I knew they meant well. That’s why I pulled myself together and performed an Oscar-winning performance of how happy and excited I was with the smartwatch I got. I even decided to give it a go, although I was pretty sure this thing would never function properly.

However, the watch turned out to work alright. In fact, it was shockingly good! It easily synchronized with my iPhone (even though I didn’t think it was possible for a sham). I managed to download all the apps I needed. And the battery worked for way longer than any other smartwatch I’ve ever seen. It could go non-stop for several days in regular mode and for about a week in power-saving mode! I also got myself a stylish steel magnetic band for it. At the end of the day, I was almost as happy with my gadget as I would’ve been with an actual Apple Watch. I ate, worked out, drove, listened to music, and answered calls with my smartwatch without a single issue.

For several months nothing unusual happened – at least I didn’t notice anything even if it did. But after a while, it started showing me some weird alerts every now and then. They seemed like system notifications from my different apps, which is why I didn’t think much of it at first. My weather forecast app would give me very specific tips on how I should dress for the weather. My motivation app would suggest an activity that I just happened to be discussing with my friends. My productivity app would automatically add tasks that I needed to do but always forgot to set up. Weird, right? However, all those things were actually quite handy, so, obviously, I didn’t really mind at all. But then it got a whole lot more sinister.

When I came home from college for winter break, my older sister asked me to babysit her daughter for a day (she and her husband were going to some sort of charity event and their usual sitter was out of town). I was happy to do it – I’ve always loved kids and my baby niece was hands-down the most adorable one!

But the day that I babysat her, she wasn’t her best cutest self. She was teething, and the discomfort was making her cry for hours. Around 4 p.m. I was completely exhausted and desperate to calm her down. I decided to take her out for a walk. I thought that maybe some fresh air and the rocking of the stroller would put her to sleep. That didn’t help at all. In fact, I was pretty sure she started crying even louder! People on the street were gawking and giving me annoyed looks. It was torture! I remember mumbling to myself, “Ugh, how do I make you shut up?!”

As if in immediate response to my question, my smartwatch started vibrating. I stopped in front of a crossroad to look at the screen and shuddered. It was a notification from my productivity app that said: “Push it under the bus!” Weirded out and confused like never before, I looked around. I gasped when I saw a bus coming right towards the crossroad that I’d stopped on. Coincidence? I wasn’t so sure.

I crossed the road and started walking back home. Whatever that was, it really creeped me out – I needed to get home, where it was safe.

I felt another vibration on my wrist. Cold and sweating, I looked at it once again. “Just do it! You’ll feel so much better!” was the message that greeted me from my motivation app. At this point, I was freaking out. With shaking hands, I turned off my smartwatch and kept walking as fast as I could. A few seconds later, another vibration. I looked at it with disbelief .....

Let me know whether you think this was a scary story or whether you found nothing unusual... Do you think somebody was trying to prank me? Have you had any similar horror story related to SmartWatch? Please, share your thoughts with me in the comments below! Thank you!

Music: Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/

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