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Architecture as Public Art: Jessica Halliday at TEDxChristchurch

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According to her twitter account, Dr. Jessica Halliday is "blessed (and cursed) by love of architecture & Christchurch". Her more formal role is that of Architectural Historian and Director of FESTA, Christchurch's world class Festival of Transitional Architecture.
She completed her PhD in Art History in 2005 at the University of Canterbury; she is a published writer with articles appearing in The Press, Architecture NZ, The National Grid, and several academic contexts. Jessica has organised numerous lectures in Christchurch by local and international architects and architectural historians, including 2012's Re:Actions for the City series with Christchurch Art Gallery. She's also on the national committee for DOCOMOMO NZ, the New Zealand chapter of the Organisation for the Documentation and Conservation of the Modern Movement in Architecture.

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