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Hey guys, Bill here. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been seeing way too many videos about zoo attacks lately. What’s sad is that many of these attacks are caused by people doing stupid things - like this guy in Brazil who was drunk and jumped into a monkey exhibit. Or this woman, who willingly jumped into a Polar Bear Exhibit in Germany.
Not to long ago, two billschannel viewers named "The Mad 1" and "Renee Browning" both sent me the same video clip. The video claims to show a man in a singapore zoo in the process of being killled by white tigers…
But is it Real? Or is it Fake? That’s what they want to know.
The first thing I did was watch the video a few times. It looks authentic enough on the surface. it’s Low quality phone or camcorder type stuff copied many times. It shows a white tiger exhibit at the Singapore zoo. The tigers are just milling around until one of them sees a cleaner walk towards them with a broom and a bucket. The tigers pretty much just pounce on the guy and for the next minute or so…but you can’t tell if he is really trying to get away or not… or if the tigers are really hurting him. Then, at one minute and 41 seconds, the video abruptly ends.
Ok, the video does look real. But is it really showing a man being killed? I mean, we don’t actually see that event on the video - Which means this could just be a case where the tigers knew the guy and were just playing with him. I’ve seen that on Youtube many times!
I did a few internet searches and found multiple news article on this story. According to these published accounts, the man’s name was Nordin Montong and he was 32 years old.. He was from Sarawak, Malaysia and worked at the zoo as a contract cleaner. All the publications claimed Mr. Montong died in the incident but as we have seen here on "Real or Fake," before, the news doesn’t always check their facts these days so we’ll need more proof.
I managed to find another video showing the same incident. But while this video did run longer, it became very blurry and you really couldn’t see anything.

A local television news station showed a police vehicle it claimed took the body away. It also broadcast an interview of the zoo’s assistant director, who implied it was a case of suicide.
I couldn’t find the people who actually recorded the videos of the attack, but I did manage to contact a reporter named Jen Lee Teh who wrote a news story about the event.
Jen firmly believes the video did capture Mr. Montong's last moments of life. In an email she told me she attended the funeral for Mr. Montong.
“I didn’t see the body but I saw the reactions of his family members and I have no doubt that he died in the attack.”
OK, well, I guess it is time to make a decision one way or another on this video, but before we do, lets review what we have learned so far.
1. The video looks real, but never shows the man killed or his body.
2. Numerous news publications claim the man died but provided no confirmation.
3. News reporter Jen Lee Teh attended the funeral and claims Mr. Montong was killed by the tigers.
Now, based on all the information, my secret panel of judges have come to a conclusion. And they say, the video claiming to show a fatal attack on a man by white tigers at the Singapore Zoo in is, without reservation - real.
So there you have it, but hold on second - don’t go away just yet - because there is more to the story and it’s pretty inspiring
This is Aida Montong. She’s the sister of Mr. Montong who was attacked by the tigers. Up until her brother’s death, she was working as a welfare worker. But she quit that job to go back to school and become a lawyer. The reason? Because it was his brother’s dream for her.
In an another article written by Jen Lee Teh, Aida says, "Before he left for Singapore, He told me to be a lawyer or judge because he loved the legal profession. It was his dream for me.
Jen Lee then wrote, “After his death, her love for him galvanized her into changing her life.”
Today Aida is not only a lawyer but a judge as well - and a happy mother of two - and a big part of that happiness is due to her brother.
I don’t think anyone will ever know why Mr. Montog did what he did, but it is pretty obvious he was a man who dreamed big for himself and his family.
And that my friends brings me to the question of the day. Do you think Zoos should be more concerned about the well being of their low paid contract workers? Or do you think that’s too much to ask? Let me know what your opinion is in the comment section below, and I will see you next time!
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