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Train Selfie Leads To Head-Kicking Leads To Big, Big Money

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"Jared Frank, the Regina man who went from hapless tourist to internet sensation over a nine-second YouTube video of a kick to the head, stands to earn a substantial financial windfall from the experience.

Less than a week after Frank posted his video, it has attracted more than 22 million views worldwide. Frank was recently in Peru and tried to take a video of himself alongside a railway track while a train passed behind. As it turned out, however, a person perched on the front of the passing train delivered a boot to Frank's head. The unusual video has proven to be of considerable interest and has led to Frank being approached by management agencies.

"I got all these different offers ... and they were all legit.," he told CBC News recently, adding it would be great to pay for his trip to South America."* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.

*Read more here from CBC News:
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