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The Disturbing History Of Tombstone, Arizona

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Tombstone, Arizona definitely deserves its wild and woolly reputation, immortalized in history books and pop culture alike. If you want to know more about 'the town too tough to die,' then grab your six-shooters and get ready for the messed up history of Tombstone.

It's nearly impossible to think of Tombstone, Arizona, without immediately conjuring up images of gunfights and the legendary Earp brothers. But the infamous town had much quieter beginnings.

Back in 1877, a silver miner named Ed Schieffelin was making his way into the Dragoon Mountains in southeastern Arizona. The local soldiers told Schieffelin that he was more likely to find his own tombstone before he located any silver, but the hardy miner proved them wrong. Upon striking a rich vein, Schieffelin mockingly named his mine "the Tombstone," and by 1879, a town of the same name had sprouted up near Schieffelin's diggings.

Of course, things quickly took a violent turn. Gamblers, saloon owners, and prostitutes descended upon the fledgling town, and even Schieffelin himself must've been surprised that Tombstone grew so quickly.

The 1880 census records only 973 people in town, but Tombstone's own website claims there were 4,000 to 5,000 there within a year. The website speculates that if you included less reputable characters, the figure could've been in the tens of thousands. Regardless of exact numbers, the town was growing fast.

As a result, Tombstone's population needed their amenities, like mercantiles, meat markets, churches, schools, and banks. Naturally, intermixed with such businesses were gambling dens, bawdy houses, and over 100 saloons. Naturally, the criminal element was alive and well in Tombstone, what with various outlaws and gunfighters wandering into town. In other words, Tombstone was quickly crawling with less-than-reputable figures.

Watch the video for more about The Disturbing History Of Tombstone, Arizona!

#Tombstone #WildWest

The birth of Tombstone | 0:00
Wyatt Earp comes to town | 1:40
Doc Holliday comes to town | 3:09
What happened at the OK Corral? | 4:01
The ladies of the evening | 5:16
Tombstone's other wicked women | 6:12
Tombstone, back to life | 7:00
Tombstone's Hollywood persona | 7:46
Tombstone today | 8:46

Read full article: https://www.grunge.com/189327/the-messed-up-history-of-tombstone-arizona/
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