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TCM, Cenk Uygur, Entitlement and Bruce or Leo? #AskBen Twitter Storm

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In this weekly segment, Ben Mankiewicz () responds to viewer questions from Twitter with help from Kim Horcher () of Nerd Alert. You can join in by using #askcenk and #tytlive on Twitter!

This week: Is there any political issue Cenk and Ben disagree about? Does Ben get recognized more as the TCM guy or TYT guy? What would Ben do if he found Dr. Keith Ablow's lost keys at a party? How did Ben and Cenk meet? Who was Ben's favorite Joker? Does the topic of entitlement make Ben uncomfortable? Who would Ben rather be for a day, Leo DiCamprio or Bruce Springsteen? Does Ben miss former co-host Jill Pike, and what's his opinion of Third Way? What does TCM think of Ben's unfiltered opinions expressed on TYT and What The Flick?!

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