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Cenk's Most Memorable Day - Twitter Storm #AskCenk

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In this weekly segment, Cenk Uygur () responds to viewer questions from Twitter with help from Kim Horcher () of Nerd Alert. You can join in by using #askcenk and #tytlive on Twitter!

This week: Cenk is asked about Al Gore "selling-out" to oil interests in Qatar. What would Cenk do if he found out his son was bullying another child? When will Cenk stop saying "BYE-BYE"? Does Cenk believe in miracles? If Cenk was interviewing President Obama and Obama has to be absolutely truthful about one question what would Cenk ask him? What was Cenk's most memorable / the best day he ever had? Cenk is asked his opinion of President Obama's speech writers. Is Cenk worried about the 1% taking action against Wolf PAC? What is Cenk's favorite beer? Where would Cenk like to visit on vacation?
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