Happy New Year! Have you ever wondered, ‘What is Osechi?’ or ‘How can I describe Osechi Ryori in English?’ This English lesson will help to answer both these questions and more!
On New Year’s Day there are special foods eaten in Japan that each have a unique meaning for the year ahead. This year in Canada I enjoyed these delicious New Years foods and would like to teach you how to talk about them in English. In this short English lesson you’ll learn the names of common Japanese New Years foods in English and what they symbolize. In today’s English vocabulary lesson you will learn how to describe traditional Japanese New Years foods and talk about their meanings in English.
The English words used for talking about New Years food are excellent for sounding more fluent when speaking English and talking about Japanese New Years foods. Use this English vocabulary to discuss New Years foods from Japan:
***Osechi foods in English featured in this video and their meanings for the New Year:
Sweetened black soy beans = Stay healthy and strong
Candied chestnut with sweet potatoes = Good luck
Sweet rolled omelette with eel = Knowledge
Red and white steamed fish paste = Joy
Salted herring roe = wish for many children
Shrimp = Longevity
Snow crab = Good luck
Abalone = Success and Longevity
Kelp seaweed roll = Eternal youth
Red Sea bream = Luck, Longevity, and Happiness
By the end of today’s English lesson you will have learned many words for talking about Japanese New Years foods in English that you can use to sound like a native English speaker. This English vocabulary lesson will help you improve your English speaking and English fluency. Thank you for watching, “New Years Food from Japan in English: How to talk about Osechi in English.” I hope these food words will be useful for you as you improve your English speaking and talk about traditional New Years foods in English. Good luck with your English studies!
Intermediate - Advanced English Lessons: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktdXyVCSbc8NrLoilBtwviDGZzVw5PVs
Beginner English Lessons: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktdXyVCSbc80dNFbpnPauXn3xQ6xHf1Q
New Year’s Phrasal Verbs: https://youtu.be/ikFvkKWBYXQ
Best Way to Learn Vocabulary: https://youtu.be/bVGUWB51TiY
How to wish Good Luck in English: https://youtu.be/rL50h_nJm9s
???? Best English Vocabulary Textbooks:
English Vocabulary in Use Beginner: https://amzn.to/3okC1LI
English Vocabulary in Use Intermediate: https://amzn.to/37szkRo
English Vocabulary in Use Upper- Intermediate: https://amzn.to/2JCcXRg
English Vocabulary in Use Advanced: https://amzn.to/3qmgwM1
English Collocations in Use Intermediate: https://amzn.to/3qqfUFw
English Collocations in Use Advanced: https://amzn.to/2JlZhKt
English Phrasal Verbs in Use Intermediate: https://amzn.to/3lzn3j4
English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced: https://amzn.to/3mPjHK0
English Idioms Intermediate: https://amzn.to/2YRBWHB
English Idioms Advanced: https://amzn.to/3BPCEnG
あけましておめでとう! 「おせちって何?」「おせち料理を英語でどう表現するの?」と思ったことはありませんか?この英語レッスンは、これら両方の疑問やその他の疑問に答えるのに役立ちます。 日本では元旦に特別な食べ物が食べられますが、それぞれにその一年に対する独自の意味があります。今年はカナダで美味しいおせち料理を堪能したので、それについて英語で話す方法を教えたいと思います。この短い英語レッスンでは、一般的な日本のおせち料理の英語名と、それらが何を象徴しているかを学びます。今日の英語の語彙レッスンでは、日本の伝統的なおせち料理を説明し、その意味を英語で話す方法を学びます。 おせち料理について話すときに使用される英語の単語は、英語で話しながら日本のおせちについて話すときに、より流暢に聞こえるのに最適です。日本のおせち料理について話すには、次の英語の語彙を使用してください。
Sweetened black soy beans (甘みのある黒豆 )=健康で丈夫に 栗の甘露煮とサツマイモ
Candied chestnut with sweet potatoes ( 栗の甘露煮とサツマイモ )=縁起物
Sweet rolled omelette with eel (うなぎのだし巻き卵 )= 知識
Red and white steamed fish paste (紅白かまぼこ )= 喜び
Salted herring roe (数の子の塩辛 )= 子宝多産の願い
Shrimp (エビ)=長寿
Snow crab (ズワイガニ) = 縁起物
Abalone (あわび) = 成功と長寿
Kelp seaweed roll (昆布巻き) = 永遠の若さ
Red Sea bream (真鯛) = 幸運・長寿・幸福
今日の英語レッスンが終わるまでに、日本のおせち料理について英語で話すための、ネイティブの英語話者のように聞こえる単語をたくさん学んでいることでしょう。この英語の語彙レッスンは、英語のスピーキングと英語の流暢さを向上させるのに役立ちます。 「英語で日本のおせち料理:おせちについて英語で話す方法」をご覧いただきありがとうございます。これらの食べ物の単語が、英語のスピーキングを上達させ、伝統的なお正月の食べ物について英語で話すときに役立つことを願っています。英語の勉強頑張ってください!
#LetsStudyEnglish #JeNsJyugyou #osechi
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On New Year’s Day there are special foods eaten in Japan that each have a unique meaning for the year ahead. This year in Canada I enjoyed these delicious New Years foods and would like to teach you how to talk about them in English. In this short English lesson you’ll learn the names of common Japanese New Years foods in English and what they symbolize. In today’s English vocabulary lesson you will learn how to describe traditional Japanese New Years foods and talk about their meanings in English.
The English words used for talking about New Years food are excellent for sounding more fluent when speaking English and talking about Japanese New Years foods. Use this English vocabulary to discuss New Years foods from Japan:
***Osechi foods in English featured in this video and their meanings for the New Year:
Sweetened black soy beans = Stay healthy and strong
Candied chestnut with sweet potatoes = Good luck
Sweet rolled omelette with eel = Knowledge
Red and white steamed fish paste = Joy
Salted herring roe = wish for many children
Shrimp = Longevity
Snow crab = Good luck
Abalone = Success and Longevity
Kelp seaweed roll = Eternal youth
Red Sea bream = Luck, Longevity, and Happiness
By the end of today’s English lesson you will have learned many words for talking about Japanese New Years foods in English that you can use to sound like a native English speaker. This English vocabulary lesson will help you improve your English speaking and English fluency. Thank you for watching, “New Years Food from Japan in English: How to talk about Osechi in English.” I hope these food words will be useful for you as you improve your English speaking and talk about traditional New Years foods in English. Good luck with your English studies!
Intermediate - Advanced English Lessons: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktdXyVCSbc8NrLoilBtwviDGZzVw5PVs
Beginner English Lessons: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktdXyVCSbc80dNFbpnPauXn3xQ6xHf1Q
New Year’s Phrasal Verbs: https://youtu.be/ikFvkKWBYXQ
Best Way to Learn Vocabulary: https://youtu.be/bVGUWB51TiY
How to wish Good Luck in English: https://youtu.be/rL50h_nJm9s
???? Best English Vocabulary Textbooks:
English Vocabulary in Use Beginner: https://amzn.to/3okC1LI
English Vocabulary in Use Intermediate: https://amzn.to/37szkRo
English Vocabulary in Use Upper- Intermediate: https://amzn.to/2JCcXRg
English Vocabulary in Use Advanced: https://amzn.to/3qmgwM1
English Collocations in Use Intermediate: https://amzn.to/3qqfUFw
English Collocations in Use Advanced: https://amzn.to/2JlZhKt
English Phrasal Verbs in Use Intermediate: https://amzn.to/3lzn3j4
English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced: https://amzn.to/3mPjHK0
English Idioms Intermediate: https://amzn.to/2YRBWHB
English Idioms Advanced: https://amzn.to/3BPCEnG
あけましておめでとう! 「おせちって何?」「おせち料理を英語でどう表現するの?」と思ったことはありませんか?この英語レッスンは、これら両方の疑問やその他の疑問に答えるのに役立ちます。 日本では元旦に特別な食べ物が食べられますが、それぞれにその一年に対する独自の意味があります。今年はカナダで美味しいおせち料理を堪能したので、それについて英語で話す方法を教えたいと思います。この短い英語レッスンでは、一般的な日本のおせち料理の英語名と、それらが何を象徴しているかを学びます。今日の英語の語彙レッスンでは、日本の伝統的なおせち料理を説明し、その意味を英語で話す方法を学びます。 おせち料理について話すときに使用される英語の単語は、英語で話しながら日本のおせちについて話すときに、より流暢に聞こえるのに最適です。日本のおせち料理について話すには、次の英語の語彙を使用してください。
Sweetened black soy beans (甘みのある黒豆 )=健康で丈夫に 栗の甘露煮とサツマイモ
Candied chestnut with sweet potatoes ( 栗の甘露煮とサツマイモ )=縁起物
Sweet rolled omelette with eel (うなぎのだし巻き卵 )= 知識
Red and white steamed fish paste (紅白かまぼこ )= 喜び
Salted herring roe (数の子の塩辛 )= 子宝多産の願い
Shrimp (エビ)=長寿
Snow crab (ズワイガニ) = 縁起物
Abalone (あわび) = 成功と長寿
Kelp seaweed roll (昆布巻き) = 永遠の若さ
Red Sea bream (真鯛) = 幸運・長寿・幸福
今日の英語レッスンが終わるまでに、日本のおせち料理について英語で話すための、ネイティブの英語話者のように聞こえる単語をたくさん学んでいることでしょう。この英語の語彙レッスンは、英語のスピーキングと英語の流暢さを向上させるのに役立ちます。 「英語で日本のおせち料理:おせちについて英語で話す方法」をご覧いただきありがとうございます。これらの食べ物の単語が、英語のスピーキングを上達させ、伝統的なお正月の食べ物について英語で話すときに役立つことを願っています。英語の勉強頑張ってください!
#LetsStudyEnglish #JeNsJyugyou #osechi
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