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Tea Time! Talk about Tea in English: Improve your English Vocabulary! ☕️ティータイム。英語で茶についての話

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Tea Time! In today’s English lesson you will learn how to talk about tea and improve your vocabulary. Improve your English speaking skills with the vocabulary from this lesson about tea. Tea is my favourite beverage. Tea is my cup of tea. It is always great to relax or energize with a cup of hot tea, and there are so many varieties of tea to choose from! While teaching you helpful vocabulary, this English lesson will also teach you how to make tea (how to brew a pot of tea), and teach you about the 6 types of tea.

The tea vocabulary in this lesson will help you improve your English vocabulary and teach you useful words connected to tea. The following nouns and verbs related to tea are included in this lesson:
Nouns: Tea, Teabag, Teapot, Teacup, Saucer, Mug, Loose leaf tea, Leaves, Kettle, Aroma, Caffeine, Afternoon tea, High tea, Spout, Handle, Lid, Strainer, Scones, savouries, etc
Verbs: Brew, Steep, Drink, Sip, Boil, Pour, Scoop, Whisk, etc

In this English lesson you will also learn about different categories of tea. The 6 Types of Tea discussed in this lesson are:
1. Black Tea ( Black tea is the most popular type of tea in England and Canada. It includes teas such as Orange Pekoe tea, English Breakfast tea, and Earl Grey tea.)
2. Green Tea (Green tea is the most popular type of tea in much of Asia. It includes teas such as Sencha, Gyokuro, and Matcha.)
3. Oolong Tea (Oolong tea is made from the leaves of the same plant used to make green tea and black tea, however oolong tea tastes different from green tea or black tea because of the way the leaves are processed and oxidized.)
4. White Tea (White tea is the rarest type of tea. The tea leaves are picked when they are still tiny buds, rather than full-grown leaves.)
5. Herbal Tea (Herbal teas are also known as tisanes. Herbal teas are usually made from flowers, berries, nuts, and herbs.)
6. Rooibos Tea (Rooibos tea is also known as red tea.)

By the end of today’s English lesson you will have learned useful tea vocabulary which will help you to sound more like a native English speaker. Thank you for watching, “Tea Time! Talk about Tea in English: Improve your English Vocabulary!” I hope this vocabulary lesson will be useful for you as you enjoy drinking tea and improve your English. Try using these words connected to tea the next time you enjoy this delicious beverage. Good luck with your English studies!

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Macarons taste great with tea! Learn how to make macarons to enjoy with your tea while learning useful cooking verbs, with this video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9c4Y8U_mDII



Tea,茶、Teabag,ティーバッグ、Teapot,ティーポット、Teacup,ティーカップ、Saucer,受け皿、Mug,マグ、Loose leaf tea,ルーズリーフ茶、Leaves,葉、Kettle,ヤカン、Aroma,香り、Caffeine,カフェイン、Afternoon tea,アフタヌーンティー、High tea,ハイ茶、Spout,口、Handle,取っ手、Lid,ふた、Strainer,茶こし、Scones,ビスケット、savouries,セイボリー

1. 紅茶(紅茶は英国とカナダにおいて最も人気のあるタイプの茶です。それはお茶、例えばオレンジペコー茶、イングリッシュブレックファースト茶とアール・グレイ茶を含みます。)
2. 緑茶(緑茶はアジアで最も人気のあるタイプの茶です。それは、例えば煎茶、玉露と抹茶を含みます。)
3. ウーロン茶(ウーロン茶は緑茶と紅茶を作るのに用いられる同じ植物の葉から作られます。しかし緑茶や紅茶と味が違う。なぜなら茶葉が、処理されて酸化させる方法で作るから)
4. 白茶(白茶はお茶で最も珍しいタイプです。成熟した葉よりもむしろ未だ小さい芽であるとき、茶の葉は摘まれます。)
5. ハーブ茶(ハーブ茶は薬湯としても知られています。ハーブ茶は通常、花、ベリー、ナッツとハーブから作られます。)
6. ルイボス茶(ルイボス茶は赤い茶としても知られています。)

今日の英語のレッスンの終りまでに、あなたは、あなたが現地の英語を話す人みたいになる手助けをし、茶の語彙を学びます。“ティータイム!英語で茶についての話:の動画を見てくださりありがとうございます。あなたの英語の語彙を改善してください!” あなたが茶を飲んで楽しんで、英語を改善して、この語彙の授業があなたに役立つ事を望みます。あなたがこの美味しい飲料を楽しむとき、お茶に関するこれらの語を使用してみてください。英語の勉強頑張ってね!


初心者の方は、ここをクリック: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktdXyVCSbc80dNFbpnPauXn3xQ6xHf1Q

中上級者の方は、こちらをクリック: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktdXyVCSbc8NrLoilBtwviDGZzVw5PVs

マカロンと茶は、よく合います。ここのこの動画で、役に立つ料理の動詞を学び、お茶で楽しむマカロンを作る方法を学んでください: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9c4Y8U_mDII

#LetsStudyEnglish #JeNsJyugyou #Tea
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