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Natural or artificial: Ernő Duda at TEDxDanubia 2014

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Is there really a natural and an artificial world?
If something is natural does it necessarily make it more healthy?
If I eat twice as much of it am i gonna get more healthy?

Ernő Duda, is Co-Founder, President & CEO of Solvo Biotechnology, Hungary's largest independent biopharmaceutical company. Mr. Duda is also Founder and President of the Hungarian Biotechnology Association, Co-Founder and Chairman of Aquincum Technology Incubator, and Co-Founder and Senior Consultant of Qualinnova Consulting. He has been acting as CEO since 1990, and as a genuine entrepreneur, he has founded or co-founded 20 companies, including a corporate finance consulting company focused on high-tech Hungarian start-ups, and Hungary's largest online second-hand book store. He was Vice President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, and President of the Junior Achievement Foundation Hungary. Mr. Duda was a member of the Research and Technology Innovation Council, the Board of Trustees of the Bay Zoltán Foundation for Applied Research, and works on the board of the Hungarian Association for Innovation. As an Associate Professor at the University of Szeged, he holds courses on the business aspect of the biotech industry. He is also a regular contributor to newspapers, periodicals and other publications, and frequently holds presentations on biotechnology and entrepreneurship at conferences, trainings and other public events.

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