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Most Americans Think Life Will Suck In 2050

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"Ask people to imagine American life in 2050, and you'll get some dreary visions. Whether they foresee runaway technology or runaway government, rampant poverty or vanishing morality, a majority of Americans predict a future worse than today. Whites are particularly gloomy: Only 1 in 6 expects better times over the next four decades. Also notably pessimistic are middle-age and older people, those who earn midlevel incomes and Protestants, a new national poll finds...".* Ana Kasparian, John Iadarola (TYT University and Common Room), Ben Mankiewicz (TYT Sports and What The Flick?!) and comedian Jimmy Dore break it down on The Young Turks.

*Read more here from Connie Cass / AP:

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