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Mee Rebus & More At JB's Gastronomically Culture Street

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JB's Mee Rebus Beats Them All
Where would you find probably the best mee rebus in JB? It's none other that at Culture Street where there is more gastronomical discoveries than pure cultrure for vultures. Inside this Chinese style coffee shop there one Malay stall that specializes in mee rebus. This video takes a look at how his special dish is done and only srved on a rattan weaved basket laced with water proof paper. The mee rebus yellow thick noodle is soaked in hot water for a few seconds.This is called "rebus" in Bahasa Malaysia. Then it is placed onto the rattan basket and garnished with green chilis and so forth, and scoops of thick gravy.The taste is awesomely different and good. Customers are often seen queuing up for this and other great servings. Inside this coffee shop there are plenty of other choices too. Even the traditional kaya buns and old time coffee served in those traditional cups and saucers.Take your time to relax and soak in a bit of gastronomical JB food culture.
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