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James Cameron Delays AVATAR 2 Again - AMC Movie News

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James Cameron’s AVATAR, the all time #1 box office movie both domestically and world wide, has been set to launch a trio of sequels starting in December of 2016. Well, scratch that. Cameron has announced that the first of the AVATAR sequels will not launch in AMC Theatres now until December of 2017. Cameron said the following: “There’s a layer of complexity in getting the story to work as a saga across three films that you don’t get when you’re making a stand-alone film. We’re writing three simultaneously. And we’ve done that so that everything tracks throughout the three films. We’re not just going to do one and then make up another one and another one after that and parallel with that” The 3 AVATAR sequels will shoot all at the same time and be released 1 year apart from each other.
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