"Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz should be no one's idea of an anti-Israel legislator. Yet according to a report from Foreign Policy, Wasserman Schultz has nevertheless found herself on the receiving end of a serious pressure campaign from the influential American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).
At issue is Wasserman Schultz's lack of support for a bill that would levy new sanctions against Iran if its current negotiations with the P5+1 break down. AIPAC and its ideological fellow travelers have lobbied heavily for the bill, but the White House is dead set against it and argues its passage would cause Iran to abandon further talks.
This puts Wasserman Schultz in an awkward position: On the one hand, voters in her district care deeply about the politics of Israel-Palestine and are likely to be influenced by AIPAC's advocacy. On the other hand, Wasserman Schultz is the head of the Democratic National Committee — a position bestowed upon her by President Obama — and cannot be reasonably expected to go against a Democratic White House."* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.
*Read more here from Elias Isquith / Salon:
At issue is Wasserman Schultz's lack of support for a bill that would levy new sanctions against Iran if its current negotiations with the P5+1 break down. AIPAC and its ideological fellow travelers have lobbied heavily for the bill, but the White House is dead set against it and argues its passage would cause Iran to abandon further talks.
This puts Wasserman Schultz in an awkward position: On the one hand, voters in her district care deeply about the politics of Israel-Palestine and are likely to be influenced by AIPAC's advocacy. On the other hand, Wasserman Schultz is the head of the Democratic National Committee — a position bestowed upon her by President Obama — and cannot be reasonably expected to go against a Democratic White House."* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.
*Read more here from Elias Isquith / Salon:
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