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OMG YOU GUYS! I cant believe this day is finally here! My dad finally lets me do his makeup! As you guys know from last year things between me and my dad werent always amazing... they were hard... very hard so for us to be at the spot now where he would let me glam him it truly is such a blessing! Im so lucky to have him!

DONT FORGET TO USE CODE: 'PRIDE' to save you 10% off all Lunarbeauty.com goodies for the month of June AND 10% of all proceeds will be going to the Trevor Project :D

Check out my dads socials at - Lbgb2018

SNAPCHAT - Mannymua
If you wanna join the Mannyac family... Subscribe to my Channel here - http://goo.gl/fLSvRP
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I SERIOUSLY appreciate it so much when you guys use my codes and links :D means a lot to me guys. Thank you for always supporting me!

Morphe Brushes - use code "MANNYMUA" all caps for 10% off everything! - http://morphebrushes.com/index.php

Ardency Inn - Use code MANNYMUA to save 15% off - https://www.ardencyinn.com

Jouer - Use code MANNYMUA to save 15% off - https://www.jouercosmetics.com

Ofra x MannyMua Lipsticks - ofracosmetics.com/mannyxofra
Use code Mannymua to save you 30% off entire site! :D

Artist Couture - Use code MANNYMUA to save 15% off! - http://www.artistcouture.com

Nubounsom Lashes - use code "MANNYMUA" for 20% off! - http://nubounsom.com

Lilly Lashes - use code "MANNYMUA" for %10 off! - https://lillylashes.com/

Impressions Vanity - use code "MANNYMUA' for 10% off - https://impressionsvanity.com/

Music - NoCopyRightSounds as always! They're amazing! Check them out - https://www.youtube.com/user/NoCopyrightSounds

Sad Money
Disclaimer: All opinions in today’s video are my own! I will always state when a video is sponsored and I’ve partnered with a brand. I do earn a small commission when my code and some links are used. Thank you for the support!

See you in my next video :D lgbt storytime coming out story anti lgbt new makeup 2019
Health & Beauty
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