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Good VS Well: Adjective or Adverb? Common Grammar Mistakes in English! / GOOD vs WELL:英語でよくある文法の間違い

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Good and Well… Do you know when to use good or well in English? Do you know which is an adjective and which is an adverb? Get ready to enjoy this English grammar lesson and learn the differences between good and well. It’s time for you to fix one of your common grammar mistakes in English by learning about Good vs well!

Good is an adjective. Adjectives describe a noun such as a person, place, animal, or thing. Adjectives must go in front of the noun that they are describing or after the ‘be’ verb. Some example sentences using good included in this lesson are:
1. I read a good book.
2. This tea is good.
3. Pokémon Blue is a good game.
4. I live in a good city.

Well is an adverb. Adverbs give more information about a verb. Adverbs describe how an action is done. The adverb ‘well’ goes after the verb that it is modifying. Some example sentences using well included in this video are:
1. I did well on my test.
2. My best friend knows me well.
3. He slept well last night.
4. Disney movies usually do well at the box office.

After examining Good and Well separately, then this lesson will look at instances where you need to choose between the adjective good and the adverb well:
1. He is a good basketball player  He plays basketball well.
2. Our roommate is a good chef  She cooks well.
3. Shakespeare was a good playwright  He wrote plays well.
4. You speak good English  You speak English well.

I hope this grammar lesson helps you improve your English, and that after watching it you will be able to correctly choose between the adjective good and the adverb well. Thanks for watching “Good VS Well: Adjective or Adverb? Common Grammar Mistakes in English!” Good luck with your English studies!

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Good VS Well: 形容詞又は副詞?英語でよくある文法の間違い.

Good vs wellについて学んで英語でよくある文法の間違いを直しましょう。

1. I read a good book. = 1. 私は,良い本を読む。
2. This tea is good. = 2. このお茶は,良い。
3. Pokémon Blue is a good game. = 3. ポケモンブルーは,いいゲームです。
4. I live in a good city. = 4. 私は,良い市に住んでいる。

Wellは,副詞です。副詞は,動詞についての情報を与える。副詞は,行動がどうなのかを表す。副詞well は,動詞の後にきます。この動画では,幾つかのwellを使った例文をあげています。
1. I did well on my test. = 1. テストがよくできた。
2. My best friend knows me well. = 2. 親友は,私をよく知っている。
3. He slept well last night. = 3. 彼は,昨夜よく寝た。
4. Disney movies usually do well at the box office. = 4.ディズニー映画は,いつも良い興行収入です。

1. He is a good basketball player.
He plays basketball well.
2. Our roommate is a good chef.
She cooks well.
3. Shakespeare was a good playwright.
He wrote plays well.
4. You speak good English.
You speak English well.

この文法の授業が,貴方の英語の上達に役立ち そして動画をみた後に形容詞goodと副詞wellを正しく選べるようになる事を望みます。
"Good VS Well: 形容詞又は副詞? 英語でよくある文法の間違いの動画をみてくださりありがとうございます。英語の勉強がんばってね。



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