Subscribe to 7-Second Riddles and test your detective skills! These fun brain-boosting riddles will increase your intelligence. These awesome riddles on crime will test your IQ, improve your logic and smarts! If you need a boost of energy when you just woke up, then you're welcome to solve this fun but tricky criminal cases!
00:00 - Use your logic to solve this tricky puzzle!
Remember Archie? His detective agency made him popular, and he got a girlfriend! Her name's Alicia. He invited Alicia to a restaurant. Archie: "It's so late already! Did Alicia forget about the date? No! A text from her! But there's only one symbol...I know! She was kidnapped! They took her to another country! But which one?"
01:52 - Test your detective skills and find the thief!
Archie sailed to Norway. Captain: “Could you help me? Someone robbed me! I wanted to study the maps a bit before we arrive at the port. And when I woke up... I mean.. finished my work... I found out that my watch was gone!" Archie listened to the suspects and realized who stole the captain's watch. Who was it?
03:45 - Another criminal case to test your IQ!
Bernard: "Detective Archie! Is that you? My name's Bernard! I heard about you so much! You simply have to visit my house!" Archie arrived at his new friend Bernard's villa. But everything here was scattered. Bernard: "I was gone for a month and a half only! What happened?!"
Archie: "The door isn't damaged. So we'll suspect those who have the keys." Archie interrogated the butler, the maid, and Bernard's daughter. Archie: "One of you lied! Someone came to the villa recently." How did Archie know it?
06:00 - Increase your detective skills with the next teaser!
Seymour: "Your girlfriend was kidnapped, huh?... I didn't hear about anything like this recently... Let's pay attention to every crime. Maybe we'll get some clues."
A phone call: "Someone stole a new phone model from my shop yesterday! Please find the thief!" Detectives asked employees what they did yesterday after work. Which employee stole it?
07:52 - This brain teaser will make you think hard!
Seymour: "Archie, there's a criminal in an office building!
Let's find out who he is!"
Seymour: "We don't need to hide, Archie. We can look through the employees' stuff. Perhaps the criminal will pretend to be one of them." All three said they heard about the criminal, but didn't see anyone suspicious. Do you know?
09:23 - Another difficult case for the best detectives!
Criminal: "It wasn't me! It was Eric's idea! He wanted to rob a construction company..."
Seymour: "I know where it is! Let's go!" Archie and Seymour are late! The robbery already happened! There were three employees in the office. They just returned from lunch break. Seymour asked where they were. Who's lying?
11:06 - This hard riddle will speed up your brain!
Detectives interrogated these two criminals. Turned out they are a part of a criminal gang!
And their leader is a kidnapper! Criminals said that their leader lives in an abandoned house outside the city. His victims are there as well. Archie and Seymour rushed there immediately. They found two men locked in different rooms in the basement. They blamed each other in kidnapping. But Archie knew who the criminal was. Do you know?
12:48 - This logic riddle will boost your brain!
Voice from phone: “Archie, come back right now! Alicia's home!” Archie returned to his city with the speed of light and ran to Alicia's house.
Neighbor: “It was about an hour and a half ago.I saw my neighbor James fighting with some bandit at home! The door was open and I rushed inside. The bandit hit James and he fell unconscious. Then he attacked me. After a while I woke up and went outside to meet you."
Archie: "I need to call an ambulance! And you're arrested for attacking your neighbor!" Why did Archie think the man lied?
14:28 - The last puzzle will boost your mind! Archie ran into Alicia's house. She was with her lover! Archie rushed to catch the man. But there were lots of people outside. Which one's Alicia's lover?
TELL me IN THE COMMENTS which riddle completely blew your mind!
#detectiveriddles #criminalcases #boostyourbrain
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Music: Epidemic Sound
Music: Youtube Library
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00:00 - Use your logic to solve this tricky puzzle!
Remember Archie? His detective agency made him popular, and he got a girlfriend! Her name's Alicia. He invited Alicia to a restaurant. Archie: "It's so late already! Did Alicia forget about the date? No! A text from her! But there's only one symbol...I know! She was kidnapped! They took her to another country! But which one?"
01:52 - Test your detective skills and find the thief!
Archie sailed to Norway. Captain: “Could you help me? Someone robbed me! I wanted to study the maps a bit before we arrive at the port. And when I woke up... I mean.. finished my work... I found out that my watch was gone!" Archie listened to the suspects and realized who stole the captain's watch. Who was it?
03:45 - Another criminal case to test your IQ!
Bernard: "Detective Archie! Is that you? My name's Bernard! I heard about you so much! You simply have to visit my house!" Archie arrived at his new friend Bernard's villa. But everything here was scattered. Bernard: "I was gone for a month and a half only! What happened?!"
Archie: "The door isn't damaged. So we'll suspect those who have the keys." Archie interrogated the butler, the maid, and Bernard's daughter. Archie: "One of you lied! Someone came to the villa recently." How did Archie know it?
06:00 - Increase your detective skills with the next teaser!
Seymour: "Your girlfriend was kidnapped, huh?... I didn't hear about anything like this recently... Let's pay attention to every crime. Maybe we'll get some clues."
A phone call: "Someone stole a new phone model from my shop yesterday! Please find the thief!" Detectives asked employees what they did yesterday after work. Which employee stole it?
07:52 - This brain teaser will make you think hard!
Seymour: "Archie, there's a criminal in an office building!
Let's find out who he is!"
Seymour: "We don't need to hide, Archie. We can look through the employees' stuff. Perhaps the criminal will pretend to be one of them." All three said they heard about the criminal, but didn't see anyone suspicious. Do you know?
09:23 - Another difficult case for the best detectives!
Criminal: "It wasn't me! It was Eric's idea! He wanted to rob a construction company..."
Seymour: "I know where it is! Let's go!" Archie and Seymour are late! The robbery already happened! There were three employees in the office. They just returned from lunch break. Seymour asked where they were. Who's lying?
11:06 - This hard riddle will speed up your brain!
Detectives interrogated these two criminals. Turned out they are a part of a criminal gang!
And their leader is a kidnapper! Criminals said that their leader lives in an abandoned house outside the city. His victims are there as well. Archie and Seymour rushed there immediately. They found two men locked in different rooms in the basement. They blamed each other in kidnapping. But Archie knew who the criminal was. Do you know?
12:48 - This logic riddle will boost your brain!
Voice from phone: “Archie, come back right now! Alicia's home!” Archie returned to his city with the speed of light and ran to Alicia's house.
Neighbor: “It was about an hour and a half ago.I saw my neighbor James fighting with some bandit at home! The door was open and I rushed inside. The bandit hit James and he fell unconscious. Then he attacked me. After a while I woke up and went outside to meet you."
Archie: "I need to call an ambulance! And you're arrested for attacking your neighbor!" Why did Archie think the man lied?
14:28 - The last puzzle will boost your mind! Archie ran into Alicia's house. She was with her lover! Archie rushed to catch the man. But there were lots of people outside. Which one's Alicia's lover?
TELL me IN THE COMMENTS which riddle completely blew your mind!
#detectiveriddles #criminalcases #boostyourbrain
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Music: Epidemic Sound
Music: Youtube Library
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