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Back Workout | Smaller Waist, Wider Lats | Lose Back Fat Fitness Routine

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Back Workout | Smaller Waist, Wider Lats | Sexy Shredded Back Exercises | Back workout for women | Ripped back | Lose Back Fats | Build Back and Lats | Small Waist

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Hey guys! So I just got back in Melbourne! It has been so long since I made a fitness video. Here's a full back workout that will help you burn your back fats by building muscle around your back and lats. Hiit exercises are great to burn fats in general too but these exercises are great to build nice ripped back and lats. This will help create that tapered V look, creating that smaller waist look. So this is another way to look like you have super small waist! There are 5 exercises, 4 sets 12 reps for each exercise. That's 20 sets in total. Remember to warm up and cool down too!

Hope you find this one helpful!

Dharma Bums Leggings:
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