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AMC Mail Bag - Battlecat Image And He-Man, Do FOCUS Results Hurt SUICIDE SQUAD?

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On this episode of AMC Mail Bag (Sunday March 8th 2015) we take the following viewer emails:
Andrew Curtis writes: My question is regarding the future of Star Trek. Star Trek is one of my favorite franchises both on TV and film for years and I’m curious to where Paramount will take the franchise. Now that the 3rd film (marking the 50th anniversary) is coming up next year, where does this Alternative Reality series go? Could they do 3 more films and do something similar to the original 6 movies where they had a connected story without it being forced (mainly referring to Wrath of Khan, Search for Spock, The Voyage Home, and The Undiscovered Country). I personally feel that Star Trek wouldn’t work with Spin offs or stories from different perspectives because I feel the franchise is more about the Captain’s relationship with their crew and the drive for exploration.
Paul Volpe writes: Hey there John and his amazing friends, and a bro fist to you all. I had a question about the MCU. I heard today on your show about the third avengers trailer and was like, meh. I realized that I was not excited for this film, like, at all, when only two weeks ago I was super stoked. I don't know what happened but at some point I got so tired of waiting that I just shut off my enthusiasm for the film. It comes out in like 2 months and no one I know is talking about it. Has it been too long for people to be excited? Or does this help people walk into the sequel as if it were a fresh film?
Thomas Larson writes: Senior Vice President of Productions for Columbia Pictures, DeVon Franklin, has just tweeted a picture of He-mans Battle Cat. What do you think of the picture and do you think Columbia has the money to back up this massive CGI-project( Masters of the Universe)?
Yohan L'inconstant writes: Hey guys, been a huge supporter since the beginning! My question is more of a feedback that might be cool to consider! We know that sometimes trailers come out after you've written the show notes, but you guys watch the trailers before the show so you can comment on them, but why not do live trailer reactions where if its possible dennis gets it up on the screens and you guys watch a trailer for the first time! I think it would be cool to see how you guys react to new trailers, thanks #amc4forever
Rishi Yerram writes: Hi guys! I just wanted to know what the box office results of Focus means for the upcoming Suicide Squad. Both movies have the same leads and studio so is it a bad sign that Focus only pulled in 19 million? Thanks!
Fujishiro Koki writes: Do you think The Wachowskis could do a DC superhero movie in the future, considering their long term relationship with Warner Brothers? I think they are pretty underrated in regards to creating amazing visual effects and action scenes. Since in most people's eyes they haven't made a good movie besides The Matrix, do you think this is a good idea?
Ryan Eilertsen writes: Big fan of the show and congrats on the new studio. My question is, do you think Chris Pratt can handle this huge workload. He is now apart of 3 huge movie franchises with Marvel (Guardians of the Galaxy), Jurassic World (I'm assuming they are going to try and make multiple movies out of the new Jurssic Park Franchise), and Indiana Jones. Has any other actor been apart of so many movie franchises at the same time. Can we have to much Chris Pratt?
Miles Goldman writes: I'm a huge fan of the AMC movie talk show and I watch it daily. My question is regarding the upcoming "Entourage" movie. Do you guys think it will get a wide release and bomb? Will it be like "Sex and the City" and be huge? Or will it be like "Veronica Mars" and get a VOD/ limited release?
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