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17 Short Riddles That'll Blast Your Logic

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Get ready for your logic to be blasted with this set of 17 short riddles! These cool riddles will challenge and test your logic to the absolute max, leveling up your IQ along the way! This is the best present for those who want to improve their logic and train brain to work fast. Don't be shy to suggest your own answers to these riddles, I'll see you in the comment box below!


00:14 - A mesmerizing trivia quiz that will completely change your view of the world! If you thought a baby can only sleep and eat, then you were wrong all the time (so was I). Can you guess what else it can do without looking up in the answers?
01:03 - A mysterious story about a girl who has run away from home. Why even young people do this...I don't know and you? Anyway, you will have to solve this riddle and find the reason why she did it before anything bad happens. So what do you think?
02:57 - Who is not pregnant? A set of visual puzzles to boost your logic! Share your answer to the last one in the comments :)
04:17 - This amazing trivia quiz will show one of the greatest marvels in the world: how a new life is developing step by step. This quiz will be easier for you if you a mom, what about all the others, you will have to rack your brains a bit
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