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10 Sure Signs You Have an Identity Crisis

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“What is my purpose?” “What am I doing here?” These are challenging but necessary questions that help us determine our identity and how we decide to navigate life. The bulk of the work of figuring out our identity is done during our teenage years. It’s a formative time when many people think seriously about their identity and come to resolutions that are strong enough to guide them into adulthood.
But what happens if you never thought about who you wanted to be in your teenage years? Or if you tried to but never got to grips with it? Don’t despair! Everyone suffers from an identity crisis at one point or another. The following 10 signs will help you understand if you’re currently suffering from an identity crisis. We’ll also give you some tips on how to power through it!
You are unsure about your career 1:05
You don’t know where you stand with regards to politics and religion 1:38
Your relationships are kept light 2:30
You double and triple question your decisions 3:08
You find yourself radically shifting your opinions 4:05
You don’t know how you feel in regards to male and female roles 4:34
You don’t like to be asked about yourself 5:22
You change personalities according to your environment 6:00
Sometimes you can’t trust yourself 6:37
You feel physical and emotional fatigue 7:18
#emotionalfatigue #identitycrisis #whoami
Music by Epidemic Sound
- If you are dealing with an identity crisis, you might be doing a job you don’t care about. Perhaps you tend to bounce from one job to another because you feel dissatisfied in every workplace.
- When you offer a political or religious opinion, you can be faced with people who challenge what you’re saying or what you believe in. In that scenario, you might think it’s easier to not have an opinion at all and remain quiet.
- Because of your insecurities, you’d rather keep your relationships light. Intimate relationships involve deep conversations where dreams, passions, goals, and fears are shared.
- Having an identity crisis can lead to overthinking. You might overthink things before you make a decision because you’re afraid of choosing the wrong thing, and you probably overthink things after you’ve made the decision as well.
- You might not have a strong sense of identity, but no one can say you aren’t flexible. You can shift your opinions radically to give others what they want.
- You might be unsure of what it means to be a particular gender. Maybe you felt forced to fit into stereotypical gender roles and decided to go along with your parents’ expectations of you or society’s vision of what men’s and women’s roles should be.
- When someone asks you a pointed question about yourself, it makes you feel uncomfortable — and that’s natural. If you struggle to commit to a value or ideal and someone asks you about them, they are shining a bright spotlight on your insecurities.
- At one moment, you might be rocking out to a heavy metal song with your rocker friends; in the next moment, you might be throwing shade on heavy metal with your other friends who love pop music. If you have this identity crisis sign, you’ll change your personality to fit whichever situation you’re in.
- Living with distrust can make you live in fear of being “discovered,” afraid that people will see you as a fake person or someone who is not interesting to be around.
- Here is a direct link between stress and our physical health. When our brain tries to work overtime to find the answers to some of life’s biggest questions, it might place our body in a state of emergency.
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