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Would You Try Mongolian Fermented Horse Milk? | Great Big Story

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If you’re a fan of kefir and yogurt, you might be excited to try ‘airag’, a traditional Mongolian drink made from fermenting mare's milk.

The process has remained largely unchanged since the 13th century, and the fermentation process gives it a slightly sour taste with an alcohol content of over 2%. So, maybe this one's not for your breakfast table...

It’s hard to find outside of Mongolia, but Beryl Shereshewsky has tracked it down for a taste-test.

#Mongolia #Milk #Horse

00:00 Got Milk?
00:51 Mongolia
02:12 Let's Drink
03:30 Tasting 1
04:11 Tasting 2
04:38 Tasting 3

Check out Beryl's own YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@BerylShereshewsky
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shereshe/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shereshe

Thank you to everyone who helped make this video possible!
Lead producer: Beryl Shereshewsky
Documentary Filmmaker: Bat-Amgalan Lkhagvajav (https://pro.festivalscope.com/director/bat-amgalan-lkhagvajav)
Producer: Laura Valk
Editor: Colin Marshall
Translator: Ariana Sugi
Associate producer: Leah Schwartz

Links to buy airag online:

Beryl's "Hangover Foods Around the World" video she mentioned: https://youtu.be/4UKusMffEFM
great big story, gbs, gps
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