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I have to tell you I am really surprised by how many of you guys have asked to know what animal has the biggest eyeballs. Now it’s not up there with the request for biggest penis, which is the all time winner, but still pretty high up there on the ole curiosity list.
So, I did some investigation and I have come up with 3 possibilities for you.
1. The Blue Whale?
2. The Colossal Squid?
3. The Elephant?
Which one of these do you think has the biggest eyeballs… ?????
Well, if you picked the blue whale…. you… would be wrong because the animal with the biggest eyeballs, according to the Guniness Book of World Records, and the Smithsonian Institute is…. The colossal squid!
The colossal squid has eyeballs that are estimated to be about 250 MM or about 10 inches… Which, is not far from being the size of a basketball. By comparison, Human eyes are only about 25 Millimeters which is only 1/10th size.
Now if you picked blue whale, you were only off by 100mm… blue whale eyeballs are about 150 mm (or about 6 inches) and that is roughly the size of a baseball.
Elephant eyeballs are even smaller than that. They are only 34 Millimeters or 1.3 inches - and that is roughly the same size as a golf ball.
Another creature with pretty big eyeballs that isn’t on the list, is the swordfish, which are about this size…
Now if you want a excellent way to see a huge squid eyeball -- all you have to do iis watch a recent dissection of a colassal squid presented by the Museum of New Zealand in partnership with the Auckland University of Technology on youtube.
The squid they use is a 349 Kilo or 770 pound Colassal Squid that was caught in Anartica.
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