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Why Winnie the Pooh Is Wrong and Google is Right: Regula Stämpfli at TEDxVaduz

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Regula Stämpfli, Swiss-born, lives in Munich and works as a columnist and lecturer in Germany, France and Switzerland. For four years she worked on a modern interpretation of Hannah Arendt's vita activa, published in Brussels in 2007 as Die Macht des richtigen Friseurs (The Power of a Proper Hairdresser). A revised version will soon follow, including Poesie von Algorithmen und den begehrenden Pixelblick (The Poetry of Algorithms and the Desirous Pixel-Gaze), critique of modernist perception of time, and of mankind and its labours. Together with IFG Ulm, her professional advisory board, Regula Stämpfli initiated a publicity program called Designing Politics -- The Politics of Design for the HFG Ulm institute in 2007. The Ulm Discussions continue within various design networks. In 2013, Stämpfli's book Die Vermessung der Frau (The Metric Woman) was published by the publisher, Gütersloher Verlagshaus. The book gained high recognition (second edition was published after only four months) and has received innumerable reviews and readings, including TV and radio programs. A multi-faceted intellectual, Stämpfli is known from her written works and television appearances as a sharp-witted analyst, columnist and inspirational talker. Opinions of her vary greatly: the Neue Zürcher Zeitung once referred to her as "The pain-in-the-neck from Brussels", whereas her students have called her "The Lara Croft of Political Science". Her popular works comprise additional books, including a collection of her articles, Aussen Prada, innen leer (Prada Outside, Nothing Inside), and a photography book and exhibition, Frauen ohne Maske. Über Frauen und ihre Berufe (Women Unmasked: On Women and their Professions) with collaborator Josef Riegger. Stämpfli is active in a number of international organisations, since 2008 she has been an independent expert for the European Commission. Information on upcoming public appearances, publications and articles can be found at www.regulastaempfli.eu.

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