Aircraft are designed in very intentional ways. Airplanes are Aerodynamics but also have some hidden secret design quirks. Here are the top 10 reasons why planes look like the way they do.
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Be Amazed at these reasons for why planes look like the way they do! From Edgy to Rounded - It was May 2,1953. A de Havilland Comet jetliner had just left Calcutta when reports came in about its status. A Curve at the Tip - Aviation 101 says that lift is produced by a plane due a difference in pressure between the air above and below its wings. The Adjustable Nose - Airplanes usually have different nose designs depending on their designed maximum speed. Double-Decking Bonus - When it comes to size, nothing beats the basic design of a double-decker aircraft.
Always the Left Door - Another simple question that’s never usually mentioned is why planes are always designed to have doors on the left side. Giant Boomerangs - The all familiar fuselage plus wings and engine design has been the staple for airplanes for decades. The Biggest Possible Tube - Let’s dive straight into the question. Is there a limit to fuselage size? It turns out actually, that there is no defined limit as of yet when it comes to fuselage size. Turboprops, Ramjets and Scramjets - The jet engine stands today as one of the most commonly used type of engine designed for aircraft. No More Runways - Aircraft, as engineering marvels of the 20th century they may be, are still largely limited by one very important weakness: the need for runways.
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Be Amazed at these reasons for why planes look like the way they do! From Edgy to Rounded - It was May 2,1953. A de Havilland Comet jetliner had just left Calcutta when reports came in about its status. A Curve at the Tip - Aviation 101 says that lift is produced by a plane due a difference in pressure between the air above and below its wings. The Adjustable Nose - Airplanes usually have different nose designs depending on their designed maximum speed. Double-Decking Bonus - When it comes to size, nothing beats the basic design of a double-decker aircraft.
Always the Left Door - Another simple question that’s never usually mentioned is why planes are always designed to have doors on the left side. Giant Boomerangs - The all familiar fuselage plus wings and engine design has been the staple for airplanes for decades. The Biggest Possible Tube - Let’s dive straight into the question. Is there a limit to fuselage size? It turns out actually, that there is no defined limit as of yet when it comes to fuselage size. Turboprops, Ramjets and Scramjets - The jet engine stands today as one of the most commonly used type of engine designed for aircraft. No More Runways - Aircraft, as engineering marvels of the 20th century they may be, are still largely limited by one very important weakness: the need for runways.
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