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What to Actually Do If You’re Trapped In An Elevator || 7-Second Riddles

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Subscribe to 7-Second Riddles: https://goo.gl/BZSTVh and increase your IQ! If you want to check your IQ and test how smart you are, try to solve these fun riddles and logic puzzles! Your IQ is above average if you can solve at least half of these riddles without any mistakes ;) Share your results in the comments! Remember, that solving riddles is always the best way to increase your logic and improve your brain power ;)

00:00 - Wake up your brain! Tom’s a total GirlFail...is that a thing?
Beautiful girl: “I’d love a coffee!”
Tom: “Well, allow me!”
Nice try, Tom! What’s gonna go wrong?

00:39 - Another tricky puzzle! Tom’s always getting into trouble with pretty girls. Take a look. What’s gonna go wrong this time?

00:59 - This one will trick your mind! No way! This girl’s being so friendly. Finally! But wait. Is she?

01:27 - Boost your brain! Tom’s the new kid in class. It’s working out great for the other students. They copy off him all the time! Can you spot the copycats?

02:02 - Use your logic! Let’s help Tom protect himself. What can he use?

02:37 - This brain teaser will speed up your brain! Another problem, Tom studies late at night, he can never get up on time. Gotta do something about it! What might help? Oil can or screaming cat?

03:16 - Test your logical thinking! Things got even worse when Tom fell in love. By the way, who’s his crush? The most popular girl in school? That sporty girl?

03:50 - Boost your IQ! Today fate’s on his side. Tom and Jen alone in the elevator. Like the movies! And — bam! It got stuck! Don’t be a stranger, Tom! They called for help. The operator was busy. “Please wait till the evening.” Screw that guy! An hour later... Jen: “I’m starving!” Luckily, Tom had some food on him. What should he offer Jen? Can of beans or lollipop?

04:47 - Test your critical thinking! Bad turned to worse. Jen: “NO! I hate the dark!” What can Tom use to help? The flashlight on his phone? A soothing hug?

05:25 - This one will blow your mind! Another hour later... "Somebody’s there! Cops? Fire brigade? NO! Some really handsome guy. Jen’s totally flirting! This could be bad. Is he her boyfriend or not? What do you think?

05:53 - Boost your intelligence! Whoa, is Jen suddenly crying now?
Tom: “What’s up?”
Jen: “It’s math. My grades are soo bad. My dad’s gonna freak, I just know it!”
Tom: “Then this really IS fate. I’m gonna help you!”
Can you fix the problem?

06:41 - The last puzzle to improve your brain power! Someone finally came to help.
Tom: “We’re free! (And why am I not happy!?)”
Jen: “Tom, come find me tomorrow! I might need more math help:)”
What do you think? Is it a date? Or does Jen just really blow at math? SHARE your OPINION in the COMMENTS!

#funpuzzles #logicriddles #testyourIQ

Subscribe to 7-Second Riddles: https://goo.gl/BZSTVh

Music: Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/
Music: Youtube Library https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/...

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