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What if I became a taxi driver for one night || 7-Second Riddles

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Subscribe to 7-Second Riddles: https://goo.gl/BZSTVh and boost your logic with awesome taxi driver riddles! With these riddles, you will sharpen your logic and increase your brain capacity. If you feel tired or exhausted try to spend time solving brain games and tests! You will have some fun and work out your brain at the same time ;)

00:00 - Here is the first riddle to test your attentiveness! Thomas was at a great university. But at nights he still worked for Coober! It’s a taxi service...! Would you survive even 1 night? Being a taxi driver means working with different people. You never know what to expect! Thomas needs to be really careful! Who looks suspicious here?

01:39 - Test your logic! When Thomas got to work one day, he heard someone arguing. It was another driver, Sam...and the boss.
Boss: “How could you lose a Coober car? You’ll have to pay it out of your wages!”
Sam: “I didn’t lose it! Someone stole it! I went in for a coffee on my break. When I got out, the car was gone! I even got some CCTV photos. See? Let’s call the cops.”
Thomas looked at the photos. No one stole the car, the photos were fake! How did he know?

02:43 - Test your critical thinking! OK, time to work. Soon, Thomas got his first ride. Destination: Train station.
Passenger: “I gotta go to another city, urgent business... Please hurry while the pineapples are still hot!” Weird...but Thomas just ignored him. He turned on the radio. Soon he heard that a madman had escaped from hospital. Thomas decided to take his passenger to the police. Why?

03:39 - Boost your brain with these emoji puzzles! Thomas got a message on the Coober app. His boss was starting a flash mob, to get new customers! He let customers write their addresses with emojis. The first driver to guess the address gets the order and a 10% bonus! Come on Thomas! Thomas started solving the riddles. Can you guess these places in New York?

05:27 - This tricky riddle will test your logic! Thomas pulled over. He was so into the puzzles... He didn’t see the car... Crash! Thomas was fine, but the car... Yikes! Big boss gonna be mad! When the cop got there, the other driver said it was Thomas’s fault! As if! The policeman didn’t know who to believe. He took them both down to the station. They gave him their driver licenses and sat down. Wait! That guy’s license was fake! How did Thomas know?

06:35 - This logic quiz will speed up your thinking! A few days later, he heard some breaking news! The police were looking for a smuggler. He left the airport in a Coober! Thomas had two passengers from the airport. One of them was the smuggler! Who? And where did he hide the goods?

07:15 - Test your logical thinking! Just then, Thomas picked up a young lady. She said it was urgent... She was about to give birth! There were 3 roads to the nearest hospital. Which road will be the quickest?

07:46 - Test your detective skills! He drove away from the hospital, feeling awesome! A lady was crying for help! She was visiting her parents and needed a taxi. She saw a Coober parked nearby. But the driver was unconscious! Thomas examined him and called an ambulance. The doctors said he had been attacked recently. Thomas decided to help. He opened the Coober app on the guy’s phone. He pulled up his last 2 customers and called them up.
Dan: “I wasn’t happy with the price, so I decided to walk instead. I didn’t even get in the car.”
Lara: “I canceled the trip because I didn’t feel like being stuck in traffic.”
Who’s the criminal?

08:53 - Boost your attentiveness! Longest shift ever! OK, only 1 order left. A lady messaged him. Thomas had to pick her and her 3 kids up from downtown, and take them home. Thomas put 3 child seats in the backseat and drove to the city. When he arrived, he saw 3 ladies. Which of them has 3 children?

Would you like to be a taxi driver...just for one night? SHARE your OPINION in the COMMENTS!

#coolriddles #funriddles #boostyourlogic

Subscribe to 7-Second Riddles: https://goo.gl/BZSTVh

Music: Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/
Music: Youtube Library https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/...

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