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What If Earth's Age Was Just 1 Day

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Hey guys! How about a quick 24-hour trip through the history of our planet? That’s right – 4.5 billion years in just 1 day! In real time, the magnetic poles switch places every 250,000 years. Yep, North becomes South, and South is the new North – magnetically, at least! But on this 1-day-old planet, they’re changing 12 times a second!
Also, the continents move about 1 inch per year to form a supercontinent. That happens every 400 million years. But today, they’re merging and breaking up every 2 hours! And you know what? Out of an entire 24-hour day, our species only showed up right at the last minute!
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The first single-celled organisms 1:01
When it starts to get chilly ❄️ 1:51
We FINALLY have something familiar! 2:33
Earth freezes over again ❄️ 2:54
Mammals are taking over the land 4:44
A mass extinction
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