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Turn your trauma into a gift | Tony Robbins Podcast

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Why do we have a tendency to hold on to the past? Why do we continue to let the most painful experiences in our lives not only influence, but control our future? And what would life look like if we were able to let go of the past, shed the stories that we carry with us and move forward in a way that is untethered to the pain?
Welcome to the Tony Robbins Podcast. In this episode of the real breakthrough series, we’re diving into a particularly sensitive subject – letting go of past trauma.
Some of you may have endured unspeakable trauma in your lives. But as horrific as these experiences were, you may continue to hold on to them, fervently at times. Because letting go can be terrifying.
But holding on has profound consequences of its own. We continue to give the pain power. We keep cords of energy tied to the people that hurt us. We even let these terrible experiences become part of our identity.
In this episode, you’re going to hear from JoLynn – a woman who endured tremendous trauma in her past. And for years, decades even, she allowed that pain to dictate her life. She lived in a story of hurt, and she suffered massively because of it. But by working with Tony, she was able to step outside of that pain and gain a new level of understanding and perspective. And in a moment, she broke through to the other side – where she was able to let go, find forgiveness and choose a life of love and appreciation.
Discover Date With Destiny – Tony Robbins’ most intimate event, where tens of thousands of people have committed to designing their most beautiful lives. Over six immersive days, you’ll explore the depths of what drives every behavior, thought, decision and emotion you experience – and you’ll learn how to take control of your life to feel more joy, freedom and love than ever before.
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Tony Robbins is a #1 New York Times best-selling author, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. For more than 37 years, millions of people have enjoyed the warmth, humor and dynamic presentation of Mr. Robbins' corporate and personal development events. As the nation's #1 life and business strategist, he¹s called upon to consult and coach some of the world¹s finest athletes, entertainers, Fortune 500 CEOs, and even presidents of nations.
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