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In this video, we're looking at the top 5 worst animal to be killed by. Olivia Bee reports.
5.Saltwater Crocodile
In a National Geographic test the saltwater crocodile actually has the most powerful biting force of any animal - over 15 times the bite force of humans! Couple this with the Crocodile's notoriously savage method of killing prey - this wouldl be one horrible death. It kills unfortunate victims using the 'death-roll'. Just imagine being dragged into the water like this while its teeth cut and rip away at your body.
4. Killer Bees;
It's pretty much in the name. These aren't normal friendly bees you see in the garden - they are Africanised honey bees that are far more aggressive than European honey bees. Many people have died from getting too close to Killer Bee hives as they swarm in the thousands and relentlessly inject venom into your flesh. Being stung by one bee hurts enough, let alone thousands of them!
3. Pythons and boas (anaconda);
I've always thought that suffocation is one of the worst ways to die so being killed by a python or boa such as an anaconda definitely has to be on this list. Hooking on with their sharp teeth, they constrict their prey - so it has no space to breathe. This 'death hug' is so crushing that you're actually more likely to die from a stroke before suffocating. And that’s just before you get swallowed whole.
2. Hyenas;
What scares me the most about hyenas is that they don't kill human sized victims before having their meal, so it's likely that you would be eaten alive, usually by a savage clan of multiple snarling animals. Other pack hunters such as wolves would be equally as scary but the fact that spotted Hyenas are just as fast and have a bite force greater than lions and tigers makes it particularly nasty.
1. The Sloth Bear:
Associating the slow and relaxed sloth with this animal is genuinely misleading. Don't let its low profile fool you. The sloth bear is actually faster than humans and can be seriously aggressive when surprised. Their attack method is so terrifying because they use their incredibly long, sharp claws and teeth to literally rip the victems face off. Just recently, a Sloth bear attack was reported in India. Natives there fear sloth bears more than snakes and even tigers!
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