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Top 20 Places You Should NEVER EVER Swim

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You can probably think of lots of places that are great for swimming. Pools, the beach, even comically small inflatable pools. Here are the bodies of water that you should never, ever, swim in.
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Be Amazed Top 20 Places You Should NEVER EVER Swim - Lake Karachay - Lake Karachay, a lake in the southern Ural mountains in central Russia, has been called the most polluted place on earth. The Ganges River - If you ever find yourself in India looking for a place to swim , you better avoid the Ganges River. The Boiling Lake - The Boiling Lake in Dominica is probably what you think it is based off the name – a lake that is straight up boiling all the time. Jacob’s Well - Jacob’s Well in Texas, unlike ‘boiling lake’, sounds like it would be a pretty nice place to swim, actually. The Nile River - The Nile River is dangerous, really? Hanakapiai Beach - Hanakapiai Beach in Hawaii is absolutely not where you want to go on your vacation. Bubbly Creek - Bubbly Creek sounds like a pretty nice place. Samaesan Hole - The Samaesan Hole has been described as a “black silty hole of death.” Eagle’s Nest Sinkhole - If you were to stand next to Eagle’s Nest Sinkhole in Florida, you would probably think that it was just a pond.

Kipu Falls - While I would like to be able to warn you about the specific dangers of Kipu Falls in Hawaii, it is actually not known what they are. The Amazon Basin - There are so many reasons you shouldn’t go swimming in the Amazon Basin. Lake Victoria - Lake Victoria in Africa looks like what you would expect a lake to look like. Horseshoe Lake - It’s not the water itself in Horseshoe Lake, California, that makes it so dangerous. Rio Tinto - Rio Tinto in Spain at least looks as dangerous as it actually is. Gansbaai - Gansbaai, South Africa, didn’t get the nickname ‘Shark Alley’ for nothing. Hoover Dam - You definitely shouldn’t go swimming in any Dams. Citarum River - The Citarum River in India is one of, if not the most polluted river in the world. Blue Lagoon - The Blue Lagoon in Buxton, Derbyshire, has a ph level of 11.3, which probably doesn’t mean anything to you unless you’re a chemist. Reunion Island - Reunion Island, a French territory in the Indian Ocean famed for its surfing, has recently become the shark attack capital of the world. The Strid - The Strid in Yorkshire may just be the most picturesque place on this list, and the least threatening looking.
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